Is Feminism a bad thing? How should ladies think about and treat their husbands? What does the Bible really say about femininity? Les sits down with Summer Jaeger to discuss what it means to truly be a woman.
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Is Feminism a bad thing? How should ladies think about and treat their husbands? What does the Bible really say about femininity? Les sits down with Summer Jaeger to discuss what it means to truly be a woman.
Leave a voicemail: (772) 324-9328
How do we stand our ground in a world that has lost its way? What does it look like to not compromise? Les sits down with John Cooper from Skillet to discuss the strange times we live in.Leave a voicemail: (772) 324-9328
Can you prove that God exists? Les sits down in studio with Sye Ten Bruggencate to discuss different ideas about apologetics, and how we can answer the unbeliever when they doubt God.Leave a voicemail: (772) 324-9328
What does it mean for God to be sovereign? Does he have control over everything? Do we still have a free will? Is God even sovereign over sin? Les sits with Brad Giannetto do discuss the Sovereignty of God.