Road Trop: Hidden from the Wise, Revealed to Babes, King’s Cross Church, Moscow, Idaho, 4/24/22
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Debating 101
Had so much positive feedback on Twitter when I mentioned possibly doing a program where I just go over debate prep, tools, rules, practice, etc., just had to do it! I didn’t expect it to go nearly two hours, but I guess I should have! Hope you enjoy it!
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The Marathon Ends: Final Road Trip DL (for Six Weeks Anyway)
Managed to pull off a solid internet connection from a slight wide spot in the road called Lordsburg, New Mexico (really sad little town…lots of abandoned buildings). We covered a wide variety of things, including announcing the upcoming debates, April 24th and 25th, in Lafayette, Louisiana, with Catholic Answers apologist Jimmy Akin (sola scriptura, and “How Does a Man Have Peace with God?”). We discussed conversion, anthropology, and more, looking at Ezekiel 36, Titus 2, and even an old article Robert Gagnon reposted about John 6:39.
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