We have spent several weeks discussing the realities of revival. We have sought to share, using helps listed below, the fruits of revival, the means of revival, and more. This week John makes some concluding comments on revival. Many of his thoughts are found in the book Revival of Religion, a collection of essays from Scottish pastors serving during a time of revival. They point to three areas they saw greatly impacted by revival. These impacts begin in the church and then spread out. It starts with the fallow ground in the souls of Christians being plowed up and they begin producing fruit.
After that, those who have been religious hypocrites for years have their masks removed and they come to faith in repentance. Lastly, those outside the church are impacted. Not all are saved, but all are aware of the realities of God.
Then John moves on to recognizing true revival and that we shouldn’t be quick to judge too quickly whether or not revival is happening somewhere.
Lastly, John ends the series with a simple question: How do we seek God when we feel that we are in a particularly needy time of His nearness?
Next week we will have another sermon presented by Andrew Davies reading a sermon from Daniel Rowland. We hope it will be a blessing to you.
A recent article by Jeremy Walker on revival: https://banneroftruth.org/uk/resources/articles/2023/holy-fomo/
Books we found helpful in this series:
The Fulfilling of the Scripture by Robert Flemming Physical Copy: https://www.amazon.com/fulfilling-scripture-discovery-accomplishment-corrected/dp/1171131968
Revival by Richard Owen Roberts https://www.amazon.com/dp/0842355758?tag=heartcrymissi-20&camp=0&creative=0&linkCode=as4&creativeASIN=0842355758&adid=1MA5N1HT46X3WABGS4EM
Revival: A People Saturated with God by Brian Edwards https://www.amazon.com/Revival-people-saturated-Brian-Edwards/dp/1846256437
Revival of Religion https://www.amazon.com/Revival-Religion-Addresses-Evangelical-Delivered/dp/0851514359
Lectures on Revival by William Sprague
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