Credo Fellow Gavin Ortlund tees up with Matthew Barrett for a special crossover episode between the Credo podcast and Truth Unites. Their goal is to root Protestants in the wisdom of scripture and the riches of the Great Tradition. In this episode, they talk to J. Todd Billings about union with Christ and its relationship… Download Audio
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How can Christ have two natures?
How can Christ have two natures? How do these two natures relate to one another in the one person of Christ? What is the communication of attributes and Calvin’s “extra,” and why do these concepts advance our understanding of the hypostatic union? In this episode of the Credo podcast, Matthew Barrett and Stephen Wellum dare to enter into the mystery of the person of Christ, deciphering how Christians should and should not describe the incarnation. Barrett and Wellum demonstrate why a biblical and theological understanding of Christ’s person is essential to the Christian faith and provide much needed wisdom on how to avoid Christological heresies. Download Audio
Divine Simplicity and the Christian Life: Sam Parkison and Ronni Kurtz
In this episode of the Credo podcast, Dr. Sam Parkison and Dr. Ronni Kurtz continue their mini-series on classical theology. In this episode in particular, they discuss the classical doctrine… Download Audio
Why Do Christians Need Natural Theology? Steven Duby and Matthew Barrett
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork (Psalm 119:1). With this reverberating tribute to God’s design, we learn that David, a man who had the special revelation of God through Moses, can also appreciate what it is that the natural order teaches about God. Many Christians today acknowledge God’s… Download Audio