Reading Luke 5:12:26 where Jesus heals a leper and a paralytic, pointing to not only His authority to heal diseases but even His authority to forgive a man of his sins. Visit for all our videos!
Reading Luke 5:12:26 where Jesus heals a leper and a paralytic, pointing to not only His authority to heal diseases but even His authority to forgive a man of his sins. Visit for all our videos!
Reading Colossians 4:2-4. Visit for all of our videos!
Reading Esther 5 when Haman gets so outraged over Mordecai’s refusal to bow to him, he refuses to be happy about anything. Visit for all our videos!
Looking at Romans 15:8-13 and talking about how Christ reconciled both Jews and Gentiles to himself to form a chosen race. Visit for all of our videos!