A La Carte (February 24)
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you today.
There are some new Kindle deals for you this morning.
No Word For Grace
“How do you preach the gospel in a tribe where there is no word for grace?” What an interesting challenge!
Hearts Strangely Warmed at Asbury
I really appreciate this charitable take on the recent revival from Fred Sanders and Joe Henderson.
Doing what is right without needing a new word from the Lord
“…sometimes we make the service of God a little too mystical. We look for guidance and pray for God to open doors. Some might ask God for a sign before they do something, or expect a special word from God for them personally telling them the right decision to make. Some seek a sense of peace about a decision. While this does exhibit faith in believing that God can do this, it is not a Biblical expectation.”
Unexpected English Idioms (Phil 3:5)
Bill Mounce provides an example of a case in which a very literal translation can actually hinder understanding.
Turkish Christians Plead: Don’t Distribute Bibles After Earthquake
CT reports on Christian relief efforts in Turkey. “The Protestant Association of Turkey (TeK) has been hard at work to establish guidelines. Last week, after expressing a ‘debt of gratitude’ to all who have prayed and given to support relief efforts, it issued six directives.”
Your House is on Fire
Kristin wrote this one specifically for pastors’ wives, but it is applicable far beyond that.
Flashback: Little Seeds that Split Great Rocks
…each Christian must be on constant watch against little seeds of dispute that fall into little fissures of disunity. For little disputes have their ways of growing into big disputes, their ways of becoming far greater than we would ever have thought, would ever have imagined.
For God’s people to truly love and obey him, they needed more than rules. They needed new hearts—hearts with his good law written right on them. God had to transform his people from the inside out. —Gloria Furman