A La Carte (June 8)

A La Carte (June 8)

Westminster Books has just refreshed its children’s fiction section and is offering some pretty good deals.

Today’s Kindle deals include at least one good book from RHB.

The indelible conscience and a month of “pride”

“In case you haven’t heard, June 1 no longer marks the end of the school year or the unofficial beginning of summer. It’s the start of Pride Month. Initially conceived in 1970 to commemorate the first anniversary of the Stonewall riots, Pride Month has become a government-promoted, corporate-sponsored, 30-day celebration of LGBTQ acceptance and achievements.” Kevin DeYoung reflects on the cultural significance of Pride Month.

Declaring and Clicking in the Word of Faith

“I was one of those people. You know the ones telling you to watch what you say because death and life are in the power of the tongue. It is with certainty and irony I can say my actions drove family members nuts at times. Decreeing and declaring were integral in what was considered prayer time. When faced with a possible negative outcome in life, it was not uncommon to say, ‘I do not receive that’, because receiving the negative would make it a reality. This was seen as a lack of faith. Rather, we were to declare a thing and see it come to pass.”

Truth on Fire (Free ebook!)

The Good Book Company is giving away a free ebook of Truth on Fire by Adam Ramsey. In the book, Adam encourages readers to know God truly and experience him deeply. (Sponsored Link)


I appreciate this reflection. “I’m not sure I would have ever considered that my sorrow could be associated with my good. That is, unless Jesus told me so. Nor could I work out how Paul could pair sorrow and rejoicing in the same sentence—maybe he understood something about Jesus I’d missed. I don’t feel too bad, though, and neither should you if these matters are confusing to you too, I mean, the other disciples didn’t really get it either.”

Pastor, Jesus Doesn’t Care How Big Your Church Is

Pastors need this reminder from time to time. In this case it’s Jared Wilson delivering it.


Paul Levy: “It strikes me, that as Christians we need to be more aware of our finitude. I suspect more of us struggle with wasting time than we are willing to admit. The internet has it’s obvious problems with pornography and online gambling, but the way that it distracts us and robs us of time without our realising it.”

Benefitting From A ‘Bubble’

Here is something good that came out of a COVID bubble.

Flashback: Friends to Christ, Strangers To His Church

The call to community is a call to familiarity. If we are to love and serve others, we need to know them…We can love others in precise and meaningful ways only to the degree that we know them.

It is the sovereign decree of heaven that nothing can make sinners truly happy but God in Christ… —A.W. Pink

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