A La Carte (May 12)
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you today.
My week of vacation is drawing to a close. It has been lovely, but next week I’ll be back to my desk and back to the regular schedule of posting original articles.
Transgression Is Passé
Carl Trueman: “One of the hallmarks of the modern age has been the death of the sacred. Nietzsche’s Madman understood that this was one of the central consequences of the death of God. But he, unlike the polite atheists he berated in the town square, knew that this was both an exhilarating and a terrifying matter: Now human beings would themselves have to rise to be gods, to create their own systems of value, their own sacred rites, their own meaning of life.”
Encouragement for the Weary Mom
Weary moms (and probably well-rested moms as well) may benefit from this one.
With the Wild Animals
Ever wondered why Mark specifically mentioned that Jesus was in the wilderness “with the wild animals?” Mitch Chase explains why that’s meaningful.
Opposition is Bad, but Hell is Worse
“When we proclaim the Word of God, we will often face resistance from every side. We can begin to see the scope of the opposition to the Word of God when we consider two themes Scripture proclaims clearly—sin and the gospel.”
The Fall of Adam
Kim Riddlebarger explains the basis of Adam’s fall into sin. “Most Americans operate on the sincere but misguided assumption that deep down inside people are basically good. When we compare ourselves to others, we might be able to measure up pretty well. Sure, there are some who we might begrudgingly admit are better people than we are, but still, we usually do pretty well in most of our self-comparison tests made against others.”
Store Up Today for Tomorrow’s Crisis
Trevin Wax explains how important it is to store up the right things—character traits in this case—for the days we need them.
Flashback: Post the Strongest Soldiers at the Weakest Gate
It is right to discipline ourselves toward all godliness, but absolutely necessary to carefully customize our habits so they lead us away from that particular weakness, that particular sin, that particular temptation.
Grace is not simply leniency when we have sinned. Grace is the enabling gift of God not to sin. Grace is power, not just pardon. —John Piper