A La Carte (November 29)
Good morning. Grace and peace to you today.
Logos users will want to check out this long list of deals for today.
(Yesterday on the blog: The Sad, Sad Story You Need To Tell God)
Giving Thanks for Prosperity and Adversity
“There’s been a lot of suffering and fear in the world the past two years, but it hasn’t shaken the faith of most Christians in the United States.” Or so a new study finds.
Take This First Simple Step before You Respond
This is a good reminder about profitable discussions. “If someone said to me, ‘Evolution is a well-proven fact,’ I wouldn’t necessarily disagree. Their statement could be true. It could also be false. Why? Because I don’t yet know what they mean by ‘evolution.’”
Tear your hearts
Susan Lafferty: “Judgment approaches. The Day of the Lord is coming. And God extends the invitation to return to Him. Even now. In this season. Advent. As we wait and watch. Anticipating the coming of the Savior.”
Why We Desperately Need the Message of Revelation
Tom Schreiner has just written an excellent introduction to the book of Revelation titled The Joy of Hearing. In this article he explains why the message of Revelation is so very important.
Your Soul Needs Food Even When It Doesn’t Want It
This is a reminder that we need to be wary of those times when our appetite has waned (whether that’s a physical or spiritual appetite).
The Not-So-Insignificant Danger of Ingratitude
John Beeson: “There is a deadly gas that contaminates the air we breathe. The toxic gas appears unthreatening because everyone appears to breathe it in and breathe it out as harmlessly as oxygen.
The poison is ingratitude. And it is everywhere.”
Flashback: The Nick Challies Memorial Scholarship
In the aftermath of my son Nick’s sudden death, a number of friends asked if there was a way they could honor his memory with a gift. That led to the founding of the Nick Challies Memorial Scholarship.
Modern pop music is not composed for us. The latest TV lineup is not scripted for us. We’re not your average teenagers anymore. What are we? We are free. Following Jesus means we don’t have to live the way our culture tells us to. —Jaquelle Crowe