A La Carte (September 12)
May the God of love and peace be with you today.
What Does It Mean to Own Your Sin?
What does it mean to own your sin? This article explains.
Faith Is Not Certainty
I appreciate Aubrynn’s ongoing writing about Christians who deal with scrupulosity and some of the specific challenges they face with their faith.
Let Suffering Lead to Gentleness, Not Bitterness
“As we suffer, and our bodies and hearts finally begin to recover from the richeting and shaking we’ve received, bitterness settles in easily as if it had always lived there inside us. Without any effort, our words are slightly sharpened to an edge from the cracks we’ve endured.”
Another commentary on Romans?
Brian Borgman writes, “Well, if that commentary was unique in its goal, easy to use, solid in content, helpful in format, rich in application, and sprinkled with the spices of the old paths, then you don’t have just another commentary on Romans, you have Expository Outlines and Observations on Romans by Rob Ventura.” (Sponsored Link)
Spiritually Hungry? The Church Service Is Your Main Meal
Kristen Wetherell asks, “What if I told you that your main spiritual meal isn’t meant to be your private devotional time with the Lord?”
Healthy Rhythms in a Godly Marriage
I guess the point of this one is not so much to establish these healthy rhythms, but to establish some, even if they don’t look quite the same.
We Need Every Word
“Spiritually speaking, I am my young son sometimes. I want to feast on the Bible passages I love, the ones that make me feel some note of pleasure or comfort. I want the reminders that I’m loved, the encouragements to hold fast, and the songs of praise that remind me of God’s faithfulness. I don’t always want the lists or the history or the stories that don’t seem to affect me.”
Flashback: The Greatest Burden of Leadership
The burden of responsibility is light compared to the burden of insufficiency, inability, or just plain failure. If all those other weights are heavy, this is the one that threatens to be crushing.
God is never surprised; never caught off guard; never frustrated by unexpected developments. God does as He pleases, and that which pleases Him is always for His glory and our good. —Jerry Bridges