A La Carte (September 28)
The God of love and peace be with you today.
(Yesterday on the blog: Never Be Discouraged and Never Be a Discourager)
Five Blessings of Marking Up Your Bible
Of course, there’s no rule saying you must mark up your Bible. But if you do, perhaps you’ll experience these blessings.
Creators, Consumers, and Christ: 10 Social Media Resolutions
Aaron Lee: “Whether creating or consuming, Christians can use social media as a tool to steward and leverage well for the glory of God and the good of others. To encourage Christians and especially youth on social media, here are some very practical tips and strategies…”
2 Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Evangelizing Muslims
A. S. Ibrahim is such a helpful guide when it comes to sharing the gospel with Muslims. “We are called to bring the gospel of hope to our Muslim neighbors, but there are some mistakes that Christians can make—intentionally or unintentionally—that we should avoid.”
“What if I feel abandoned by God?” (Video)
Sinclair Ferguson answers the question theologically and pastorally.
5 Things at the Heart of a Pastoral Visit
Pastoral visitation is such a blessing to pastor and parishioner alike. Andrew Roycroft offers a few principles that may help those who are receiving a visit. “Not everyone who is engaged in pastoral visitation is an ordained Pastor,” he clarifies, “and so this post shares more widely about those men and women gifted for and engaged in caring for God’s people (as well as those in full time Pastoral ministry).”
Cultural Contamination and Scripture’s Emphases
“Among the many forces that shape contemporary missions, fear of cultural contamination looms large. Missionaries, and Western missionaries in particular, often feel and express a deep aversion to passing on aspects of their own culture to those that they reach through their ministry.” This is a helpful reflection on the matter.
Flashback: Our Understanding of Earth and Our Assumptions of Heaven
Are we certain that the one who leads the church in worship is really far ahead of the one who prepares the church by shoveling its sidewalks and setting up its chairs? That the one who labors in the pulpit is doing more important work than the one who labors in her prayer closet?
Let every Christian assert his high birth by his high bearing. —Theodore Cuyler