An Agenda Other than Justice

An Agenda Other than Justice

Five pro-life activists who protested against Santangelo’s practice were found guilty of conspiracy and of violating the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) Act. They are looking at up to 11 years in prison, while Santangelo continues to work with a valid medical license. In 2020, the members of the group Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) live-streamed their entrance into the Washington (D.C.) Surgi Clinic, where Santangelo works and where he advertises abortion services up to 27 weeks. The group went into the clinic and sat praying and singing. The group avoided all violence. But police were called within minutes of the protest and arrived on the scene, as evidenced in the livestream video. 

The Biden Justice Department has no interest in investigating more than 88 attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers, but it will easily pursue harsh sentences for pro-life activists who protest at a late-term abortion facility known for killing full-term infants.

In 2013, abortionist Dr. Cesar Santangelo assured a 24-week pregnant woman that he would not intervene to save the life of her baby if her second-trimester abortion didn’t successfully kill the child.

A Live Action investigator filmed an appointment with Santangelo and captured his admission, which he admitted several times, on camera. As a result of this evidence, combined with evidence of full-term, aborted babies found in the clinic’s “medical waste,” activists were compelled to take action.

The aborted baby bodies were discovered after the clinic protest but proved what activists suspected at the time was true: that Santangelo was killing full-term, born-alive infants. Furthermore, a woman died after fetal tissue was found in her lungs after an abortion at Santangelo’s office.

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