An Antidote to Spiritual Amnesia

An Antidote to Spiritual Amnesia

Israel could not save themselves; God had to do it. God initiated salvation (Ex. 12:1–2), designed salvation (Ex. 12:3–5), and provided salvation (Ex. 12:6). He reset their calendar so that the beginning of the year reminded them of the beginning of their salvation. His salvation blueprint was titled “Substitution,” saving Israel from death by a lamb dying in their place.

“How did I forget her birthday?” What man hasn’t asked that question, at least once in his life?

But how about, “How did I forget my salvation?” It’s hard to believe it’s possible, but we can forget that God saved us and how he saved us. We forget we didn’t deserve saving. We forget we were saved by God. We forget the suffering required to save us. We forget to worship God for saving us. What’s the antidote for such serious spiritual amnesia?

Let’s see how God cures the Israelites’ amnesia in Exodus 12 so that we can improve our spiritual memories too.

Salvation is by Grace Alone

Israel could not save themselves; God had to do it. God initiated salvation (Ex. 12:1–2), designed salvation (Ex. 12:3–5), and provided salvation (Ex. 12:6). He reset their calendar so that the beginning of the year reminded them of the beginning of their salvation. His salvation blueprint was titled “Substitution,” saving Israel from death by a lamb dying in their place.

Grace + something = nothing.
Grace + zero = everything.

“So God starts salvation. I guess I have to complete it, then?” Nope, you just receive it.

Salvation is by Faith Alone

Israel needed faith to receive God’s salvation.

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