After we spent a little time on some positive reports of God’s grace, and then a few minutes on some negative developments of more rebellion and insanity coming out of Disney, we dove into a fully discussion of tradition, the canon, and finally looking at a series of Tweets by Steve Meister on the table of contents of your Bible as a form of “inescapable tradition.” Over 90 minutes today.
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The Dividing Line will be LIVE at 5:00pm EDT
Covered two topics mainly today, with two brief calls interspersed. First played Adam’s call to Steve Gregg. Adam is a Catholic Answers forums user, and, true to form, repeated the ever-growing, and still utterly inane “38,000 Denominations” falsehood within the first fifteen seconds or so. Then we took some calls, and moved on to Adam Harwood’s presentation at the John
Road Trip Dividing Line: California’s Secular Tyranny, Our Response, Some Taylor Marshall Tweets
A few thoughts on Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and The Da Vinci Code. No, I could not sit still while watching it. Who, with the slightest knowledge of the facts of the situation, could? But I still had to suffer through the ABC (yes, the same folks who brought you the Peter Jenning’s Jesus Seminar commercial a few years ago) special