Greenville Seminary

Greenville Seminary Appoints William Vandoodewaard As Professor Of Church History

Dr. Jonathan L. Master commented, “Dr. VanDoodewaard is an outstanding teacher and scholar with the heart of a pastor. I have known him for fifteen years, and, while I have always admired his scholarly work, I have been even more grateful for his Christian friendship and his example of personal godliness.”

Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (GPTS) has announced the appointment of William VanDoodewaard (PhD, University of Aberdeen) as Professor of Church History and Academic Dean, beginning fall 2022.
Dr. William VanDoodewaard is currently serving as Professor of Church History at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (PRTS) in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He has held appointments as Visiting Research Fellow in the School of History and Anthropology at Queen’s University Belfast and Visiting Scholar at Princeton Theological Seminary, and he has served as a Visiting Professor at Mukhanyo Theological College in Pretoria, South Africa, and Reformed Theological Seminary (Houston). Prior to PRTS, Dr. VanDoodewaard taught at Patrick Henry Col­lege, near Washington, D.C., and at Huntington University in Indiana.
Seminary President, Dr. Jonathan L. Master commented, “Dr. VanDoodewaard is an outstanding teacher and scholar with the heart of a pastor. I have known him for fifteen years, and, while I have always admired his scholarly work, I have been even more grateful for his Christian friendship and his example of personal godliness. The Search Committee, Board of Trustees, and Faculty were all unanimous in recommending Bill for this position. The Faculty also voted to appoint Bill as Academic Dean when he begins in the fall. I couldn’t be happier about having Bill join us, and I look forward to working closely with and alongside him for years to come.”
Dr. VanDoodewaard has written for Books & Culture, The Journal of British Studies, Themelios, Puritan Reformed Journal, Westminster Theological Journal, Tabletalk Magazine and online at The Gospel Coalition and Reformation21. He is also the author of three books: 1 & 2 Peter: Feed My Sheep (Welwyn Commentary Series), The Quest for the Historical Adam, and The Marrow Controversy and Seceder Tradition, and he has recently introduced and edited Charles Hodge’s Exegetical Lectures and Sermons on Hebrews (Banner of Truth).
Dr. VanDoodewaard is an ordained minister in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARP).

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