James White

Francis’ Empty Hell, Brandan’s Empty Bible

Here’s a tidbit I came across from Roman Catholic scholar Raymond E. Brown, 101 Questions and Answers on the Bible (New Jersey: Paulist Press, 1990), p. 142. Here’s another comment from the same writer, Raymond E. Brown, The Critical Meaning of the Bible (New York: Paulist, 1981), pp. 39-40.

Kenoticism Examined

James White, January 11, 2024January 11, 2024, Christian Worldview, Church Fathers, Exegesis, Reformed Baptist Issues, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, Thomism, Unitarianism After some chatter about DEI’s destruction of the United States (and the West in general), we finally dug into a Twitter thread posted by Dr. Mike Riccardi on kenoticism and what it is supposed to mean and how we are supposed to identify it. Ended up going 90 minutes as a result, but this one will be discussed for a long time. Another example of “but, we can’t do theology by creating our own definitions and then reading them back into Scripture.” Important stuff, and offered with full respect for and appreciation of both Master’s Seminary and Mike Riccardi.
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Happenings in Rome, Acts 15, and Provisionist Rhetoric

Started off with more on the continuing developments with Francis, Fernandez, and the Roman Church, moving sort of seamlessly into @ReformedtoRome’s attempt to use Acts 15 as a defeater of sola scriptura. Then we looked at some recent @Soteriology101 statements on the idea of being made “better” so as to believe in Calvinism.
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The Revealed God with Jeffrey Johnson; Stephen Wolfe’s 2024 Resolutions

Four more devastating refutations (#1, #2, #3, #4) of the man who evidently has no idea how to handle being in way over his head. Yes, I do intend on continuing that series, though given the level to which Holding has sunk in his responses to both myself and Steve Hays, I have no interest at all in engaging him

The Aquinization of MBTS, Philosophical Trinitarianism, Responses to Soteriology 101

Was running solo again today but managed to dive into a number of topics as well as get into the original language texts on topics such as Paul’s use of Psalm 2, 8, 110, and the nature of Christ’s kingdom and reign. We also talked a bit about Derek Webb’s deep dive into spiritual darkness, and finished up looking at

End of the Year Dividing Line: General Cultural Topics, then TRBs.

I think the greatest mystery in all of the universe, and by “mystery” I mean that which we as creatures cannot wrap our finite minds around so as to comprehend, is, not the trinity, and not that he made the universe ex nihilo (out of nothing), and not the virgin birth, but the greatest mystery is his divine love for

Some Advent Thoughts, Daniel 4 and God’s Sovereignty

Today we pressed on listening to Robert Sungenis illustrate “sola ecclesia” to the nth degree. You will note I mentioned waiting for the FedEx van to show up. Well, it did, just a few minutes after the program. It brought me a package that I knew was coming, but, I did not know, for certain anyway, what it contained. Some

Francis’ Fiducia Supplicans Examined in Context and a Follow Up on Last Week’s “Neo-Socinian” Accusation

Went two hours and eleven minutes today (sorry!), but had a lot to cover. Too many topics to list, but basically a lot on the new Tyndale House Greek New Testament, textual critical topics, Muslim apologetics issues, the Qur’an, and then responses to Dr. Theodore Zachariades on the topic of the decree of God and the will of man, i.e.,

Rutgers’ Racist Professor, More Muhammed Hijab, and the Neo-Socinian Nonsense Again

James White, December 14, 2023December 14, 2023, Debate, Islam, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Racialism, Reformed Baptist Issues, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing Line, Thomism Back in Phoenix in our regular studio, so we looked briefly at the racist Rutgers professor and “white folks,” then we spent about twenty minutes responding to more of Muhammed Hijab’s opening statement against the Trinity, and then listened to a few minutes of the “Coffee House Sessions” webcast on the modern state of Reformed Baptist and Robert Briggs’ accusation that biblicism is neo-Socinianism and that this is the reason for the division amongst real, confessional Reformed Baptists and those who just “pretend.” Sad days for the RB movement, to be sure.
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Road Trip Radio Free Geneva: Only the Apostles were Predestined!

Greetings from basically peaceful, still a little nervous Kiev, Ukraine.  OK, I am actually not in Kiev, I am in Ирпень, Irpin’, a “suburb” in a sense, to the north-northwest of downtown Kiev.  I will begin another day of church history lectures here in about an hour, but wanted to share some more of the presentations from this weekend.  Rich posted

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