James White

Back on the Road from Albuquerque: Reflections on a Quarter Century of Responding to Homosexual Argumentation

Based on strong feedback from his last program, Dr. White revisits America’s need for repentance and God’s purpose in tragedy. Also, while the world may reject both Christianity and Islam for making truth claims, or even attack Christianity more for having laid a godly foundation in America, Islam has significant issues with a violent founding prophet, dubious textual criticism, and

A Twitter Theology Dividing Line

James White, August 31, 2023August 31, 2023, Abortion, Atheism, Christian Worldview, Eschatology, General Apologetics, Homosexuality, Mormonism, Persecution, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Provisionism, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing Line, Transinsanity Wrapping up our home stand before I head out next week with a pretty high energy program running through topics brought up on social media. We looked at how Francis is going to update his 2015 encyclical on the environment soon and asked, “If he can’t see the scam of climate change, how can he have much insight at all?” We looked at a horrific Harrari tweet and a few others, then we also explained what the nice LDS home schooling mom was talking about when she talked about bringing sacred souls to earth. Finished up looking at another man-centered (and failed) attempt to get around John 6 by Soteriology 101. 75 minutes today. Right now it looks like we will be shooting to do a program from the road after I am on with Chris Arnzen on Iron Sharpens Iron next Wednesday.
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Pope Francis, “Growth” and “Consolidation,” and Trent Horn

Though I’m sure certain hyper-Calvinists on the web will have a fit, I responded to Justin Brierley’s article attempting to refute Reformed theology in the context of disputing with a brother, not an enemy.  I hope Justin will hear my words in that context.  You can find Justin’s article here.  I did not finish my review, unfortunately, and will do

90 Minutes of Open Phones on the Dividing Line

James White, August 24, 2023August 24, 2023, Exegesis, Musings, Pastoral Theology, Pauline Studies, Personal, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters I started off with a few comments on the coming mask mandates, etc. Then, we took quite a variety of questions today from our callers! We discussed head coverings and Michael Heiser’s odd views on 1 Cor. 11; Hebrews 1:10 and its citation of Psalm 102; angels and demons today; how to translate the Greek term θέλω (thelo); and finally a discussion of justification, confession, and the Lord’s Supper.
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Conclusion of Response to Trent Horn, A Little Rosaria Butterfield

Finished up our response to Trent Horn on the topic of theopneustos, which we began two programs ago. But, I have started reading Rosaria Butterfield’s new book, Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age, which is due to be released on September 12th, and I shared a few quotes and thoughts that are directly relevant to the debate in Manheim, PA, on September 16th.
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Continued Response to Trent Horn on the Nature of Scripture, It’s Sufficiency, and Rome’s Claims

We continued our response to and review of Trent Horn’s video, here, dealing with his attempt to get around the reality that he is personally not in a position to foist a novel definition upon the entire Church, let alone to call it the “death knell” of sola scriptura.
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Responding to Trent Horn on Theopneustos, Part I

James White, August 15, 2023August 15, 2023, Church Fathers, Church History, Debate, Exegesis, Pauline Studies, Personal, Roman Catholicism, Textual Issues, The Dividing Line Went just over 90 minutes today. The first quarter hour we talked briefly about dying Bible pages (showed off my recent examples) and the descent of the US into true banana republic status. Then we launched into Trent Horn’s response to me on theopneustos, getting into a wide variety of topics such as church history, lexicography, and the like. We will continue our response on Thursday!
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Open Phones on the Dividing Line

James White, August 11, 2023August 11, 2023, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Misc, Mormonism, Personal, Racialism, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters Started off showing my newly “dyed” Bible texts, following the process laid out by Jeffery Rice in this video, and then took calls on Rushdooney, Alma Allred (Mormonism), recognizing novel and soon to be abandoned ideas in theology, wokeness in the Assemblies of God, and dealing with Jehovah’s Witnesses on the eternality of Jesus. Also, we had one Modalistic caller who tried to say Martin Luther denied the Trinity. Here is an article debunking that mythology.
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Jumbo Dividing Line: Biblicism is the Road to Rome (Steve Meister)? Then Semantic Domains and Much More

Ninety minutes in the big studio today using the big board to look at some important topics. Started off with a little KJV Only silliness, then a little TR-Only silliness, and then on to comments made by IRBC pastor Steve Meister on Josh Sommer’s program about biblicism being the “road to Rome.” Having corrected that idea, we moved into the topic of Bible translation and the topic of semantic domains, hapax legomenoi, etc.
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Some Voices from the Past, the Importance of Biblicism

Other than discussing some upcoming events (such as the debate in Pennsylvania), we took some time to listen to some voices from the past (Chrysostom, Jerome) and think about how things have changed. We also took some time to consider the definition of biblicism in the current controversy.
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