James White

New Video on Eastern Orthodoxy, Biblicism is “Cultic,” Dale Tuggy States His Position

James White, July 25, 2023July 25, 2023, Church History, Debate, Eastern Orthodoxy, Reformed Apologetics, Reformed Baptist Issues, Road Trip, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, Unitarianism Last Road Trip Dividing Line for the July, 2023 trip (only a matter of weeks till we head for Pennsylvania and then G3). Live stream failed us (I have no idea why!). Talked a bit about this new video on Eastern Orthodoxy from Jason Wallace up in Magna, Utah, discussed the assertion that biblicism is “cultic” (and the obvious need for far more concern about accuracy in defining that noble term) and then started listening to Dale Tuggy defining his brand of unitarianism in his dialogue with William Lane Craig. So, back into the furnace for me tomorrow (it hit 119 in Phoenix today)!
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Our New Dividing Line Search Engine and More

James White, July 21, 2023July 21, 2023, Eschatology, Homosexuality, Road Trip, Technology, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, Thomism, Unitarianism Had a few technical issues today to be sure, but we soldiered on, looking at our new search engine which allows you to look for words and phrases in ALL of the Dividing Lines since 1998! Twenty five years worth (over 2,000 episodes). Pretty amazing stuff. Then we looked at a few comments from ol’ Steve Camp, a few more Unitarian comments, and finished up looking at Revelation 5 and the Lamb.
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Jumbo Road Trip Edition on Twitter!

James White, July 19, 2023July 19, 2023, Church History, Debate, Eschatology, Exegesis, Post-Evangelicalism, Road Trip, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing Line, Thomism So Rich was literally just poking around on Twitter when he stumbled across the “live” set up recently, so today was our first day to live-cast on Twitter. That was what we wanted to do all along, but obviously things are developing at Twitter and so we had to use Facebook (which drove me nuts). But, for as long as we can, we will use Twitter for our live streaming.Today we announced some upcoming debates, specifically a series of debates in February that should have something for everyone! I then went over an odd, out-of-place diatribe against “Biblicism” found in Matthew Barrett’s new book. If the rest of the 900 page monster is of similar nature, to use Luther’s language, the book will be a “right strawy epistle.” We worked through the entire section asking the important questions and truly wondering what the answers will be. Then I responded to Steve Camp’s recent Twitter claim that all PTs (postmillennial theonomists) “mistranslate” Matthew 28:19-20. Ninety minutes today!
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A Jumbo Road Trip DL!

James White, July 17, 2023July 17, 2023, Debate, Exegesis, General Apologetics, Personal, Reformed Apologetics, Road Trip, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing Line, Unitarianism Started off today’s program talking about upcoming debates. Unfortunately, during the program itself, Chris Arnzen got word that Dr. Brownson will not be pursuing the debate on the 16th of September. However, we have another opponent lined up and will be able to give you information on that in a few days.Spent a while responding to portions of a Trent Horn video on θεόπνευστος and elements of the common Catholic Answers approach to denying sola scriptura. Then we moved to a number of tweets by Unitarians, finishing up looking at John’s use of ἐγώ εἰμι. Right at ninety minutes today! Enjoy!
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A New Low of Depravity, Wolfe on Dever, Anthony Bernabei Exposed

James White, July 13, 2023July 13, 2023, Abortion, Christian Worldview, Debate, Exegesis, Iglesia Ni Christo, Road Trip, The Dividing Line, Transinsanity, Unitarianism Managed a solid live stream today, thankfully! Started off with an amazing example of “no, we haven’t hit rock bottom quite yet, but man we are digging hard” as far as the evil of man is concerned. Then we looked at Stephen Wolfe’s comments in response to Mark Dever on paedobaptism and a regenerate church membership. Finished up looking at the rhetoric of one Anthony Bernabei, a wild-eyed unitarian whose immaturity precludes him from serious consideration, but yet he provided a useful example of unitarian deception that allowed us to dig deeply into John 17 and 1 Corinthians 8. 75 minutes today!
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Pravda in Louisville; 1 Peter 3:15 and Isaiah

James White, July 11, 2023July 11, 2023, Christian Worldview, Exegesis, Homosexuality, Persecution, Post-Evangelicalism, Road Trip, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, Transinsanity The first 35 minutes or so of today’s program focused on the Miss Universe results in the Netherlands, where a highly unattractive dude beat out some absolutely stunning women, all in the service to the dismantling of the West. Then we looked at pure, unhidden, unapologetic propaganda from an ABC affiliate in Louisville, Kentucky. Then we switched over to an analysis of 1 Peter 3:14-15 and the citation of Isaiah 8:12-13 therein, considering issues related to “inter-textuality” and the identification of Jesus as Yahweh incarnate.Pravda in Louisville; 1 Peter 3:15 and IsaiahThe first 35 minutes or so of today’s program focused on the Miss Universe results in the Netherlands, where a highly unattractive dude beat out some absolutely stunning women, all in the service to the dismantling of the West. Then… pic.twitter.com/Xv6GT9fOyF— Alpha and Omega Ministries (@AominOrg) July 11, 2023

Jude 4-5 and Its Testimony to the Deity of Christ

I did not feel well today, but I pressed on, because I really wanted to share this study of Jude 5, CBGM, the variant in the text, and the biblical tapestry of phraseology and teaching that consistently testifies to the deity of Christ. Please get a deep seat, take some notes, and enjoy!
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A Nearly Two Hour Road Trip Dividing Line

James White, July 4, 2023July 4, 2023, Church Fathers, Church History, Eastern Orthodoxy, Exegesis, Post-Evangelicalism, Road Trip, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing Line, Thomism, Transinsanity, Unitarianism Three major portions of today’s almost two hour program: first, reflections on the celebration of July 4th immediately after the Month of Prideful Rebellion. Then, we review key statements made by Matthew Barrett, Todd Pruitt, and Carl Trueman on the last episode of the Mortification of Spin (where, I must say, spin was most definitely not mortified!). Finally, we worked through Dale Tuggy’s sophistic argument against the deity of Christ, exposing its many less-than-subtle category errors, insertion of unproven assumptions, etc., and then followed that up with a quick run-through of the identification of Jesus as YHWH in John 12:41, and a particular unitarian attempt to get around that problem for their false theology. Around 1:55 in length today!
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Road Trip DL from Santa Fe

James White, June 27, 2023June 27, 2023, Gospel/Jesus Studies, Persecution, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Road Trip, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, Unitarianism Had to record the program today due to the location I am at in Santa Fe (possibly due to weather issues as well, not completely sure). Talked about the Australian legislation being proposed to give the state pretty much full control over speech and how we have taken our eyes off the ball as the totalitarians continue their global march. Then we switched over to a discussion that took place last year between William Lane Craig and unitarian Dale Tuggy. We will be doing a deep dive on Tuggy’s claims and positions over the next number of weeks and months. You might want to familiarize yourself with his views! You might also want to see Michael Brown’s debate with Tuggy here, and Chris Date’s interaction here.
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Bruce Jenner Is Still Here, Then Leighton Flowers and Colossians 2:12

James White, June 22, 2023June 22, 2023, Christian Worldview, Homosexuality, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Provisionism, The Dividing Line, Transinsanity Started off with stories about California and Michigan pressing the woke gender ideology that is a plague upon us all. Then, finally, as promised almost two weeks ago, I got to Leighton Flowers and his “Calvinists cannot answer Colossians 2:12” argument and discovered that in fact it seems it is the Provisionists who have to struggle with that particular text. Next week we are back on the road once again, so prayers for traveling mercies and physical strength and health are most desired and appreciated!
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