James White

The Real Issues With Rome

I very much appreciated the conversation between George Farmer and Allie Beth Stuckey on the issues between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. I listened to the conversation and wish to offer some thoughts from someone who has spent decades on this topic.
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More Attempts at Sneaking Man’s Autonomy into Scripture

James White, May 10, 2023May 10, 2023, Pauline Studies, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Provisionism, Road Trip, The Dividing Line, Thomism After a brief review of a further comment by Stephen Wolfe (that I missed on the last show), we went back to Ephesians 1 after listening to a monologue by Leighton Flowers seeking to establish synergism by…assuming it! Brought Accordance in once again and dove into the text. Had one little interruption (the kind lady who runs the RV park, well, needed payment!) but other than that everything went smoothly from the new studio! Rich also announced how the auction for the Jeffrey Rice rebind will be run (after he found the Bible that is!). We may be able to sneak a program in on Friday, hopefully!
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Road Trip Dividing Line From Conway, Arkansas

James White, May 9, 2023May 9, 2023, Christian Worldview, Eschatology, Pastoral Theology, Personal, Road Trip, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, Thomism I am at GBTS in Conway and we managed (despite some challenges!) to get a full DL in today! Caught up with a lot that has happened over the past week or so on a number of topics. Hope the discussion is useful and helpful in the midst of all the fog being produced today. We will go for another program tomorrow as well! See you then!
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And We Have Lift Off!

Without any unscheduled sudden disassembly, either! Our first Road Trip Dividing Line in our new Mobile Command Studio was a success! Sure, we have some tweaking to do (Rich discovered the microphone presets did not save, for example), but we are just ecstatic that sitting here in our 35 foot Jayco Fifth Wheel RV in Kerrville, Texas, we were able to do an over hour long program with two cameras, touch screen (for use with Accordance), etc. and etc.! Sure, there will be more to come (taking calls, having guests), but we are so thankful to have this studio up and operational. I did a walk through the history of A&O as a fitting way to start off in our new mobile studio. I hope it will be encouraging to you. Thanks to all of you who have made this possible!
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Upcoming Trip, Then Story Time with Grampa Jimmy

James White, April 28, 2023April 28, 2023, Christian Worldview, Church Fathers, Church History, Eschatology, Exegesis, Homosexuality, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Road Trip, The Dividing Line, Transinsanity Talked a bit about the upcoming trip, new new rig and studio, and the fact that HOPEFULLY next Tuesday we will do a live DL from the rig in the new studio AND at the same time auction off a gorgeous Jeffrey Rice LSB rebind (I am told on Twitter it is a “LSB 2 Column in Steel Grey Badalassi Carlo” whatever all that means). Then we talked about enough cultural insanity to make it necessary to not post this to YouTube, and finally we moved to Story Time with Grampa Jimmy, this time reading the unpublished, unfinished preface to a never-written commentary on Chrysostom’s homilies by John Calvin. Important historical insights to be gained! Pray for safe travel and that we will be able to do the DL from the new studio while on the road (somewhere in Texas) next week!

The Conflagration That is the Christian Nationalism Debate

The net has been an inferno of late with everyone choosing sides, circling wagons, loading guns, and opening fire, all, it seems to me, to no avail. I basically spent today exhorting folks to step back, think, breathe, maybe even think about relaxing a bit and listening to viewpoints other than your own. I am sure that advice will be ignored by many, but, you can try! Had some fun along the way, including starting off playing a portion of a new rendition of the 2nd Psalm in Germany sung by Tobias Riemenschneider which you can listen to here.
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A Dividing Line I Cannot Summarize!

James White, April 20, 2023April 20, 2023, Abortion, Christian Worldview, Eschatology, Homosexuality, Persecution, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, Thomism We have a guy at Apologia who posts hilarious out-of-context quotes from the sermon on our member’s page. I need someone like that to listen to every Dividing Line and come up with a brief, yet usable, title, because with programs like today, I just have no idea. We covered the Washington State law that would allow the state to mutilate your children, by force (seriously). We discussed a bit more about what is just wrong with the phrase “white evangelicals,” and I spent a fair amount of time considering some of the important aspects of the “Christian Nationalism” discussion.

Christian Nationalism, Sacralism, and Christian Maturity

Tackled the ever so easy, light issues of “White evangelicals,” Christian Nationalism, sacralism, and the recent dust-ups that had Reformed men posting clown-shoe memes about other Reformed men (all causing the angels in heaven to weep, me thinks). Had to do some eschatology and a lot more, but the fact is, it is indeed Christ or chaos, we must witness to the state what Christ demands, and we must live out what obedience looks like.
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Secularism’s Insanity, then Credo’s Promotion of Scholasticism

Tale of two programs today as for the first half hour we considered the daily onslaught of secularism’s acidic destruction of Western society and life itself, and then switched gears to consider the newest edition of Credo Magazine and its full-throated promotion of, and defense of, “Reformed Scholasticism.”
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Mega-Size DL Response to Mike Riccardi and Derrick Brite

James White, April 11, 2023April 11, 2023, Church Fathers, Church History, Debate, Exegesis, Personal, Reformed Baptist Issues, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, Thomism We went for two hours today as I interacted with portions of the first thirty minutes of Dr. Mike Riccardi’s presentation at the Shepherd’s Conference on the Trinity. Many had concluded that I was the target of much of the opening comments in that presentation, so I felt it proper to interact with it and raise the key issues that need to be discussed. Then I quickly went through comments made by a PRTS student, Derrick Brite, in which he made all sorts of accusations that are simply dishonest and untrue. Unfortunately, when I tried to save the comments I missed a number of the tweets which made things a bit hectic, but we got to the gist of the assertions. In any case, our DL truckers will enjoy this one as it went pretty long! Hopefully this will allow many to evaluate the claims people are making about what I have said and why I am pursuing the conversation. At least for those who have ears to hear!
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