James White

Shortened Road Trip DL, Response to Andrew Tate Conversion

Didn’t go quite a full hour today as I mainly interacted with the clip of Zuby interviewing Andrew Tate and his conversion to Islam. Also commented a bit on the Netherlands cracking down on farmers (enjoy the coming famines all due to the climate hoax being used as a political baseball bat) and an amazing tweet from an RB pastor.

America Tells God to Get Lost/Divine Revelation Cannot be Limited by Men’s Philosophical Systems

First forty minutes we considered what it means for the United States government to directly tell God to get lost, illustrated in the profaning of marriage act passed by the Senate yesterday. Then we looked some more at the series of articles on Matthew 24:36 posted back in October.
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Road Trip Dividing Line: Secularism’s Emptiness, the Richness of the Trinity

Managed to get in a quick program this evening from St. Charles, Missouri. Went over some more evidence of the collapse of secularism and its rebellious insanity, and finished off considering some of the depths of divine revelation about the Father and Son at this time of celebration of the Incarnation.

Road Trip Schedule – December 7, 2022 – The Reliability of Scripture – Believers’ Baptist Church, 1133 Texas Avenue U, Emory, Texas

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