James White

6th Canon of Nicea, MBTS’s Triggering Book Display Examined

James White, May 12, 2022May 12, 2022, Church Fathers, Church History, Debate, Eastern Orthodoxy, Personal, Reformed Apologetics, Reformed Baptist Issues, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing Line Had a little bit of tech difficulty at the start, so I am not completely certain how long we went, but we spent the first part of the program going more in depth on the 6th Canon of Nicea in response to Michael Lofton’s amazing response on YouTube. Basically, we documented that Rome dogmatically tells her apologists what to find in history and, shockingly, that’s exactly what they find! Amazing! Then I went into some quotes from Matthew Levering’s Engaging the Doctrine of Revelation in reference to the actual perspectives and viewpoints to be found in the Roman Catholic authors being promoted by the staff at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in their book recommendations. We covered a number of amazing statements from social media on the same topic as well.
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Let’s Talk About the Papacy with Cameron Bertuzzi

I was joined by Capturing Christianity’s Cameron Bertuzzi to talk about the Papacy and things Roman Catholic today for about seventy minutes or so. I did tack on about ten minutes at the end regarding the move toward “the Great Tradition” and “Classical Theism” at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
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Open Phones Topic: Sola Scriptura!

It may be the first time we’ve ever done this, but the fact is, we’ve done this for so long, I just can’t be sure. But anyway, I got the weird idea today to do a live open phones segment on a particular subject, today, sola scriptura. That included issues of the canon as well. Great calls and questions! We will have to do more of these types of programs in the future! 75 minutes. Also, I promised to link to Chris Whisonant’s materials, which you can find here.
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Leaked Roe, Cameron Bertuzzi and Isaiah 22

James White, May 3, 2022May 3, 2022, Church Fathers, Church History, Debate, Post-Evangelicalism, Reformed Apologetics, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters Back in the regular studio for the first time in over a month! Wow, glad to be in the old digs again. Anyway, had to talk a bit about the leaked SCOTUS decision about Roe and the explosion of simple demonic activity all around us. Then we started reviewing some comments made by Cameron Bertuzzi related to Roman Catholicism and in particular the papacy. We eventually got to his comments on Isaiah 22, and finished focusing upon what it means to have peace with God.
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The Decline of Mormonism, John 17:5 and a Lot of Replies to Critics

James White, April 27, 2022April 27, 2022, Church Fathers, Church History, Exegesis, Mormonism, Offense, Personal, Reformed Baptist Issues, Road Trip, Roman Catholicism, Simply Silly, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, Thomism Since I am in Cedar City, Utah, I started off the program with a discussion of the decline of Mormonism, its reasons, and how we need to be praying to be used of God to bring light to the darkness. Then I had to dive into some of the amazing things being claimed, asserted, and just plain lied about regarding the rise of this new form of “Reformed Thomistic Scholasticism” in our day. Responded to Richard Barcellos’ accusation that when we submit scholastic terminology and frameworks to biblical analysis and standards we are engaging in “self-poping popery.” Yes, that’s a direct quote. Also went back to John 17:5 to see if τῇ δόξῃ ᾗ εἶχον still means “the glory which I had with you” or whether somehow it had become “the glory predestined to be given to my human nature.” I also promised to link to Augustine’s interpretation of John 17:5. See here. In opposition, see Calvin, A.T. Robertson, Matthew Henry, and many others.
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Road Trip DL from Salt Lake City: A Little Riddle, a Little Muller

James White, April 26, 2022April 26, 2022, Debate, Misc, Pastoral Theology, Personal, Reformed Apologetics, Reformed Baptist Issues, Road Trip, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, Thomism, TROnlyism Was on the road for six hours today but still managed to sneak a program in this afternoon, looking a bit at my discussion with Doug Wilson on “paedocommunion” (he prefers “child communion” and there is, actually, a difference), then responding to Jeffrey Riddle on an odd take on semper Reformanda, and then finishing up with a little discussion on actus purus and the relationship of biblical revelation to philosophy. Should be able to get another program in tomorrow as I have altered my travel plans to shorten the length of the drives each day. This old guy is getting a bit tired!
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Philippians 2, the Carmen Christi, and Accusations of Kenotic Heresy

James White, April 21, 2022April 21, 2022, Exegesis, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Offense, Pauline Studies, Personal, Road Trip, The Dividing Line, Thomism In our third program from up here in Moscow, Idaho, we did a deep dive into Philippians 2, the great “Carmen Christi,” considering its meaning and application in a number of contexts. That was the majority of the program, but when I responded to the accusation of “kenotic heresy” on my part by Pastor Josh Sommer, demonstrating that the allegation is utterly without merit.
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John 5, 17, and Starting with Scripture as Our Only Reliable Foundation

James White, April 20, 2022April 20, 2022, Church Fathers, Church History, Exegesis, Reformed Baptist Issues, Road Trip, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing Line, Thomism Snuck another program in up here in Moscow, looking in-depth at John 5 and John 17 in reference to the Scriptural testimony to the relationship of Father and Son. Commented along the way on “Classical Theism’s” obfuscation of Biblical truths and serious concerns about the development of this new “Baptist Scholasticism,” which, by its adherents, is a “recovery of classical theism.”
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Stockholm Syndrome and Masks, and Bridled Access to the Scriptures?

James White, April 19, 2022April 19, 2022, Pastoral Theology, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Reformed Baptist Issues, Road Trip, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, Thomism We were live from Moscow, Idaho today on a Road Trip Dividing Line. Talked a bit about what’s going on up here, talked a bit about the lifting of mask mandates on US flights, and the reality that honestly, folks, the tyrants who mandated them have not gone anywhere, they are just gearing up for the next round. Then we started looking at statements being made by Reformed Baptists concerning the relationship of philosophical constructs and the inspired Scriptures. Some really troubling material to cover today. As I said on the program, the straw-men will be coming thick and heavy on this one, and as Rich as read me some of the memes already posted, I was correct. It is like there are many who simply have no ears to hear. In any case, important considerations today.
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