James White

The Mormon Question and Then Open Phones

Briefly addressed the “Mormon Question” in light of the recent get-together featuring Glenn Beck, then went to the phones, answering questions on the meaning of Elohim, Open Theism, Mormon Polygamy, prayer to saints, the Sovereignty of God, and finally the schools of Antioch and Alexandria.
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Rich Saves France; Injustice in America; Eastern Orthodoxy’s Anthropology; Two Responses to Dan McClellan

James White, June 11, 2024June 11, 2024, CBGM, Christian Worldview, Eastern Orthodoxy, Homosexuality, Mormonism, Textual Issues, The Dividing Line Went more than 90 minutes today, mainly looking at first at the amazing corruption of the justice system in America and how it flows from the rejection of our Christian heritage and the embracing of secularism. Then we played a 60 second video from an Eastern Orthodox priest denying penal, substitutionary atonement. Then we finished up our response to Dan McClellan on the accuracy of NT manuscripts, and then jumped into a video he posted on the subject of homosexuality, presenting a revisionist, progressive view.
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Creeds and Confessions, Dan McClellan Continued

Well, we tried, but no Miki today! So, no uproarious entertainment, but still three great calls, all on the same topic, Roman Catholicism. We talked a lot about church history, doctrine, dogma, debates–you name it. Even addressed the “why you don’t invest time with Robert Sungenis anymore” question. It would be a great program for all my critics over at

KJV Only Abuse of Numerology, Dan McClellan on NT Manuscripts

Had a bunch of other stuff I didn’t get to, but did manage to look at an excellent example of how KJVOism destroys real confidence in the Bible by looking at an example provided by Pastor Jonathan Burris (here) regarding the abuse of Deuteronomy 16:11 by one such KJVO advocate. Then we moved over to this video from Dan McClellan, starting to respond but giving a lot of background, looking at CBGM and some current developments in that field, etc. Heavy on the “geek” content today!
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Roman Catholics Worshipping Mary on Video, Trump’s New York “Conviction,” Soteriology 101 on Election

No, I’m not a fitness guru.  But I do know that when I am in shape, I write better, teach better, preach better, research better.  I wasted all of my 20’s.  I never worked out.  I fell apart.  By 1993 I weighed over 200 lbs. and was in horrible shape.  That’s when I chose to get in shape, and began cycling.  I quickly

The Changing World of Mormonism, A Few Tweets, 90 Minutes

Started off noting that Love does Win…at least, it gets Peter Lumpkins to post reviews of Rob Bell’s book by Anglicans (well, Anglican last time I checked anyway). But we had a very full board of calls, and after a few technical glitches, got to them, including questions about KJV Onlyism, Rome’s abuse of Luke 1:28, Fred Phelps, and the

The Emptiness of Secularist Jurists Demonstrated; Twitter Bookmarks

Dr. White is human. To those of us who know and love him, this is no surprise. We realize that he is a man, just like us, and that consequently he makes mistakes. As Alexander Pope said, “To err is human, to forgive divine.” Dr. White is human and he, from time to time, errs. Recently a lay apologist for

Pelagian Pope, Two Part Romans Utterly Refuted

Started off with the Pope’s comments on 60 Minutes, and then dove into a refutation of Brent Lay’s “Two Part Romans” theory (originated in 2013) that is being promoted by Jason Breda in a series of videos. The entire theory is based upon an alleged “ambiguous antecedent” in Romans 1:13, except, there is no such construction there, the antecedent is not ambiguous, and hence the theory is DOA, and needs to be abandoned. An hour and 45 minutes!
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Pope Francis on Conservatives, LF on Being “Good,” and Adoniram Judson’s Letter to Ann’s Father

I was on The Line of Fire with Michael Brown an hour before we aired this episode, so Michael joined me to discuss the apologetics contest on Twitter, but then more important things as well after that. Jeff Durbin called in and tried to argue that I, as Master Miyagi, should want him, as Danielsan, to win the contest, should

A Saturday Dividing Line

I didn’t want an entire week to go by without a program, so we snuck one in just under the wire! Gave a bit of a report on where I am as far as surgeries and the like go (another in just over a week), and then I played a short clip from a dialogue Leighton Flowers did recently wherein he spoke of the Spirit’s role, or non-role, in salvation, that is very helpful in focusing upon the real differences between the Reformation and Provisionism, which, I allege in this program, is sub-Roman when it comes to its view of grace.
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