Where Can You Find Peace and Safety?
Peace and safety are granted by God’s grace through faith in His word, not through the self-righteousness and pride of religious and political activism. Paul thus humbles us, but also encourages us greatly, “For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:6-10)
In a world where everyone craves “peace and safety,” they are looking everywhere else but where it is truly found – and so wind up with neither. Our present world is in deep trouble far beyond merely the weather or the nastiest flu season in living memory. It is saddled with many juvenile political fantasies overwhelmed with economic malaise thanks to the abject legalism connected to those same political fantasies. Closely connected, our all-knowing political leaders of the world have created an extremely depressing atmosphere politically, religiously, spiritually, and psychologically – all in the face of potential nuclear war or another world war.
Yet, incredibly, so many want to “save” the world and “clean up” the planet even though they do not believe in salvation or sanctification. They want a clean environment but do not want to clean up their dirty minds, activities, or behaviors. People with sex for brains are paranoid about overpopulation and pollution. They want to tame the beasts of their dark religious dreams and replace the biblical worldview and ethics with their own nature worship cult of sustainability.
In so doing they pass policies that constantly restrict the economies of the world, particularly with regard to energy – which will only make saving the world even more unaffordable than it was yesterday. The so-called Great Reset is all being masterminded by the very folks who have already catastrophically foisted upon us staggering national and international debts across the board that are so astronomical they are literally as high as the heavens. Yet in the face of such economic absurdities, bureaucrats, politicians, and lawyers have become cultic date setters predicting a fiery end to the world if their ecological policies are not politically pursued.
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