Does the Bible Still Taste Sweet?
Solitude is threatening because these voices of various kinds come in and threaten us, like Satan with accusations. And one of the ways to push out those voices is to fill your mind and heart with another voice. And that’s what this session is about.
I honestly didn’t want to talk about COVID-19 anymore. I’m sure you don’t either. But I’m going to do it anyway. And it’s because I think the virus is a good picture of what I want to show you in this session about loving God through daily Bible reading. COVID-19 has a couple trademark symptoms. You know them by now: a cough, shortness of breath, extreme tiredness, and loss of smell and taste. I had COVID-19 (it wasn’t a serious case), and that might have been the most disorienting thing about the virus for me. I’d get hungry, and I’d go to eat something that I’d eaten hundreds, maybe thousands, of times: pasta, pizza, chicken, Chipotle. And it wouldn’t taste right.
In fact, it wouldn’t taste like much at all. It’s the exact same food, the exact same flavors, and yet something changed in me. I did a little bit of research over the last few weeks (and I mean a little — just very little). At least one serious study says that the reason we lose our sense of smell and taste is because the virus disrupts our olfactory cells. It’s the cells that relate to our sense of smell, and 80 percent of our taste comes from what we smell. The virus can’t infect these cells, but when it gets close to them, the brain sends all of these extra immune cells that clog up the olfactory system, in some cases for weeks, or months, or years. People lose their sense of smell or taste. It can happen for years.
Lies That Block Our Spiritual Senses
I suspect something similar happens, at least in seasons, when we resolve to read the Bible. If you’re like me, there are times when you open the Bible, a meal that you’ve enjoyed hundreds, maybe thousands, of times, and yet something doesn’t taste right. Maybe it doesn’t taste like much at all. It’s a symptom, and I believe this happens because our spiritual olfactory senses are under attack. They’ve been disrupted and distracted by a virus, by subtle lies that Satan feeds us about this book. And so, with these few minutes together, I want to expose and confront just four lies that undermine Bible reading.
These aren’t the only four lies, by any means. There are dozens, if not hundreds. But I’ve experienced these four personally, and I suspect that they’re pandemic. I just want you to hear someone say out loud that they’re not true. And I’ve chosen these four in part because I see them all, or at least the shadow of them, in Psalm 19:7–11. If you have a Bible, you can turn there and I’ll or reference verses throughout.
1. The Bible is irrelevant.
The first lie is that the Bible is irrelevant to your real life. Now, right off the bat, we probably wouldn’t say this out loud to anyone. We know that the Bible is theoretically relevant to our situation in some way. But when it comes time to sit down and read it, doubt can begin to creep in, can’t it? The distance between the Bible and me can feel wide — between a book like Ruth and our relationships, between Deuteronomy and the deadlines that we have at school or work, between 1 Peter and the problems that we’re bringing into this new year. Will reading this really old book really make any difference in my job or classes or friendships or future marriage? To which God says in Psalm 19:7, “The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.”
This book makes people wise — genuinely, supernaturally wise. And it’s not just any people, but simple people. People like me. This book can make you wise. It really can. And it makes these simple people wise in every age, from ancient Israel to modern Louisville, Minneapolis, or Los Angeles. And it makes us wise in all kinds of circumstances: school semesters, dating relationships, first jobs, and world missions. God didn’t shoot this book out into the future and hope that it would land a couple thousand years later and be relevant to you. That’s not what happened with this book.
“The Bible is a reviving book, a restoring book. It’s a balm to weary and hurting hearts.”
No, still today, the book that’s in your hands is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness (your righteousness), so that the man or woman of God may be complete, equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16–17). This book gives wisdom for every difficult situation and decision you will face. And the testimony of this word is sure.
2. The Bible won’t make sense.
Now, of course, just about anyone can understand some verses, like John 3:16, Romans 8:28, and Psalm 23. I don’t hear anyone saying that they can’t understand any of the Bible, but a lot of us struggle to understand a lot of the Bible. And when we commit to reading the whole Bible over and over year after year, we’re going to walk through strange and difficult passages: Ezekiel, Hebrews, Revelation, and so on. After a while, the exercise can start to feel kind of futile. We may think, “Am I ever going to understand more of this?” To which God says, “The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes” (Psalm 19:8).
Remember, even the apostle Peter had a hard time understanding some passages in the Bible, and he wrote whole books in the Bible. In 2 Peter 3:16, he says that there are some things in Paul’s letters that are hard to understand. To which Paul says, in 2 Timothy 2:7, “Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.” The Lord will enlighten your eyes in everything. That’s what he says. It’s not immediate, of course, but he’ll give you real light now, and then, if you keep looking and looking and looking, that light will grow over months and years and decades.
So, rejoice in what you can see now. It’s a miracle. If you see any beauty, any truth, any worth in this book, it’s a miracle that God has given you. Rejoice in that, and then expect to see more and more and more because this book enlightens our eyes. It doesn’t just give us something to look at, but it actually alters our vision so that it improves the longer that we live in it.
3. The Bible won’t address my pain.
When we look back on these seasons when we’ve struggled to read the Bible, a lot of us can probably point to some heartache or pain where the struggle started, where the Bible lost its taste. That’s not always the case. In fact, for some of us, that’s the very point when the Bible started tasting sweeter. But suffering can become a barrier to hearing God in Scripture. I wonder if you’ve experienced that. It’s a difficult relationship, a chronic pain, or an illness. Some looming uncertainty about your future can become this barrier to hearing God in his words.
You might think, “Will the chapters for today really say anything that will help me through this?” To which God says, “The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul” (Psalm 19:7). This is a reviving book, a restoring book. It’s a balm to weary and hurting hearts. David describes the same reviving power in Psalm 23:1–3, when he says,
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.
This God comes and finds us in our valleys — afflicted, confused, broken — and he leads us into safe pastures and peaceful waters. And his rod for leading us, his rod of peace and comfort and direction, is this book.
Notice that he doesn’t just treat our wounds or our particular suffering, but he revives the soul. He goes deeper than our wounds. He offers a deeper, more meaningful rest and healing than all the things that we might turn to in our suffering.
4. The Bible won’t make me happy.
Some of us don’t even think about the Bible in categories of happiness. Wisdom, yes. Correction, yes. Promises of future happiness in heaven, yes. But meaningful happiness today? Really? Friendship makes us happy. Great food can make us happy. Recognition and praise for our work can make us happy. Sports can make us happy, if the right team wins. Marriage might make us happy. But the Bible? Really? To which God says, at the beginning of Psalm 19:8, “The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart.”
God wrote the Bible not merely to give you wisdom in your relationships, or to make you articulate in your theology, or even just to comfort you in your suffering. No, he also wrote the Bible to make you really, really happy. Jesus says of his words in John 15:11, “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”
Jesus spoke at the Last Supper, and then in all of Scripture, that his joy might be in you, and that your joy may be full. God gave us a Bible so that we might be as happy as God, infinitely happy through this book — knowing him and loving him through this book. And of all the things that David says about Scripture in these verses here in Psalm 19, this is the piece that he can’t help but say a little bit more about. Consider Psalm 19:9–10:
The rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether.More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold;sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.
This is what the Bible is. It’s more desirable than gold. It just is, no matter how you feel about it in the moment. It is more to be desired than gold. It is sweeter than honey, even when our spiritual taste buds can’t taste it. The Bible is a happy-making book. And so, when Bible reading gets hard, or life gets busy, or you don’t taste what you used to taste in these pages, remember: This book revives the soul. This book gives supernatural wisdom for all of life. This book can be understood. And in understanding it, you’ll begin to understand everything else. And this book is the deepest, richest well for joy.