Media Gratiae

The Call of Wisdom I: How Long

See Media Gratiae resources including, Behold Your God: Seeking Him Early, Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically, Christ Our Treasure, and more:
Proverbs 1 tells us that “Wisdom cries aloud in the street, in the markets she raises her voice.” Religious systems throughout history have taught wisdom as something often hidden and difficult to find. But Proverbs clearly tells us the opposite. Wisdom is shouting in the busiest part of the city, calling out to anyone willing to listen. The problem isn’t the availability of wisdom; it’s our willingness to hear her.
The writer of Proverbs gives us great insight not only into the call of wisdom but also the response every Christian should have to her call. This is what we will discuss over the next seven episodes. Dr. John Snyder is joined by Teddy James in this new series focusing on our response to wisdom’s call. In this introductory episode, we focus on what that call is and what we must do if we have rejected God’s call for years.
A life that walks closely with wisdom is a happy life, blessed by the presence of God. The life that rejects wisdom is filled with calamity, and God will laugh as calamity strikes. Does this make God mean and vindictive? Quite the opposite. It is out of love that God warns of this reality. We will reap what we sow. If we sow selfishness and self-rule, we will reap destruction. If we sow humble obedience to Christ, we will reap His righteousness.
That leaves us all with one question: How long?
For the Christian, how long will we dull our ears to wisdom’s call before coming to repentance and walking closely with Christ?
For the unbeliever, how long will you resist God’s gracious call to follow Him?
The good news is that if you can read Scripture and hear God’s call, it is not too late for you. Listen today, obey today, repent today.
Next week, we will begin looking at the first of six practical steps Proverbs gives us to respond to wisdom’s call.
Show Notes:
See Media Gratiae resources including Behold Your God: Seeking Him Early, Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically, Christ Our Treasure, and more:
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Union with Christ X: Our Final Glorification

This week, we conclude our series on the union between Jesus Christ and the Christian. We’ve explored several aspects of this union and now reach its apex—the culmination of everything. However, to fully grasp it, we must first correct some common misunderstandings.
Many Christians believe that once we die, we enter into our glorified state. Dr. John Snyder and Acey Floyd held similar views until they studied the topic in-depth and discovered that Scripture teaches something different. This distinction is crucial because a wrong understanding can lead us to see glorification as an isolated reality in the Christian life. It isn’t. It is interconnected with every other aspect of the Christian’s union with Christ and the Father’s promises to the Son.
Seeing glorification as part of these broader realities, rather than as an individualistic event, can significantly impact our assurance of salvation, our pursuit of sanctification, our confidence that God will conquer sin in our lives, and more.
Throughout this series, we have recommended John Murray’s Redemption Accomplished and Applied. As we conclude, we want to highlight it once more. If you haven’t read it yet, we highly encourage you to do so. You can find the link below.
Show Notes:
Communion with God by John Owen
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Union with Christ IX: The Privileges of Adoption

Our current series has focused on our union with Christ, with the last few episodes emphasizing our adoption. In the last episode, Dr. John Snyder and Acey Floyd explored the biblical foundation for our adoption in Christ.
This week, they examine the privileges available to every Christian because of our adoption. For this, they refer to John Owen’s small work “Communion with God.” While the entire book is a treasure, they focus on chapter 17 in this episode. In these pages, Owen discusses what we have access to because of our relationship with Jesus and some of the objective realities that should appear in the life of a Christian.
Show Notes:
Communion with God by John Owen
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Cur Deus Homo: Why God Became Man | Navigating the Classics

A few times a year we want to visit a classic work of Christendom. Rather than spending a long series walking through the work, we try to discuss it all in one long-form discussion. For this episode of Navigating the Classics, Dr. John Snyder is joined by Chris Green and Steve Crampton to take a look at Anselm’s Cur Deus Homo, which translates to “Why God Human.”
Anselm, who was a church leader eleventh century and sought to answer two criticisms of the Christian faith. The first was a claim that God is too holy to have become a human. The other claim was that if Jesus was the God-man, His death on the cross was no essential to our salvation.
The approach of the book was not unique for Anselm’s time, but he utilizes a device not often seen today. It is written in the form of a conversation between Anselm and a pupil. He sets up questions from his pupil that he wants to answer and then begins the conversation.
Throughout the work, Anselm shows that he is very gifted in both logic and communication. While Cur Deus Homo is a work of philosophy, it is a treasure trove for the Christian.
Perhaps you have never heard of this book, but if you have and you have put off listening to it, let us encourage you to take on the task and reap the rewards it contains.
Read what R.C. Sproul had to say about Cur Deus Homo:
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Theological and Doxological with Dr. Stephen Yuille

A few weeks ago, Teddy James visited Granbury, Texas, to meet with Dr. Stephen Yuille. Dr. Yuille is Professor of Church History and Spiritual Formation in the School of Theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and pastor of Fairview Covenant Church.
The Media Gratiae team was introduced to Dr. Yuille through several of his books including The Blessed and Boundless God and The Inner Sanctum of Puritan Piety: John Flavel’s Doctrine of Mysical Union with Christ. Both of these books we wholeheartedly recommend to you.
Teddy’s visit wasn’t just to spend time in one of the most welcoming little towns he has ever seen. It was to film a new study for Media Gratiae, taught by Dr. Yuille, on the book of Galatians. You can expect to hear more about that study in the coming months. But this week we wanted to give you a chance to meet Dr. Yuille and hear a bit of his heart for Christ and His bride, the church.
We pray this episode will be a blessing to you, but also give you fuel to pray for us and Dr. Yuille as we continue serving in the ways and means God has given us to further His kingdom and train the church.
Show Notes:
Blessed and Boundless God –
The Inner Sanctum of Puritan Piety: John Flavel’s Doctrine of Mystical Union with Christ –
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Union with Christ VIII: The Foundation of Adoption

This week, Dr. John Snyder is joined by Acey Floyd again to continue discussing the Christian’s union with Jesus Christ. If Jesus were only our kinsman redeemer, high priest, and propitiation, that would be more than anything we could dream of. But Scripture goes further and tells us He is also our elder brother. We are joint heirs with Him. This is a reality that, if we were told it by a preacher, we would say he was going too far. But we can read those very words in Hebrews 12.
So what does this relationship with Christ have to do with adoption, and what effect does adoption have on our Christian lives? Everything. Adoption is how we can be certain that our relationship with God isn’t based on our merits or on our progressive sanctification. Our relationship with Him is as certain as His relationship to Jesus. Even though Jesus is begotten and not adopted, the Father is still pleased to call us His children. That will never change because it is based on Himself and upon the work of Jesus Christ.
We have mentioned this book throughout this series, but if you have not gotten a copy of John Murray’s “Redemption Accomplished and Applied,” let us encourage you to find a copy and read it. Then read it again. Then read it again. It has been a tremendous blessing to us, and we believe it will be a help to you as well.
Show Notes:
Redemption Accomplished and Applied by John Murray
John 1:12-13
Galatian 4:6
Romans 8:15-17
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Union with Christ VII: From Glory to Glory

We are back in the studio this week with Dr. John Snyder and Acey Floyd. Continuing our discussion on the believer’s union with Christ, the duo this time focuses on the doctrine of sanctification. Salvation is a massive reality. It takes a person who was once spiritually dead and makes them alive. It takes a person who was once an enemy of God and brings him or her to adoption. We hate what we once loved and love what we once hated. And all of this is done by the work of our Triune God.
But sanctification is more complex because it involves unpredictable, inconsistent us. We fluctuate from warm to cold-hearted, from completely focused on Christ to distracted by the cares of the world. We sin and repent. To understand this complex reality, we need to look at sanctification in two categories: positional and practical.
On the positional side of things, we see that we have been purchased by Christ and therefore are made holy. That means we are separated to everything in Him and from everything not in Him.
In the practical category, we see a life being progressively transformed to reflect the new family we have been adopted into. This means every day we will see more and more areas taken captive for our Lord and brought to submission of His will.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones offers wonderful help in this part of the conversation through his commentary on Romans 6. We are now dead to sin and therefore cannot have sin reigning in our mortal bodies. We highly recommend that if you have not read through that commentary, make the investment and read through it now.
Show Notes:
Exposition of Chapter 6: The New Man by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones:
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A Conversation with Canadian Pastors

A few weeks ago, Dr. John Snyder was in Nova Scotia, Canada, to teach a theological intensive for local pastors. The theme of the seminar was Union with Christ, a familiar topic if you’ve been following the podcast. During a short break in the teaching, John sat down with Dave Story and Hugh Morrison. These two men have been faithful pastors in their areas for years. They have also been instrumental in discipling and training many of the younger pastors at the retreat.
John, Dave, and Hugh take the opportunity to share with you the spiritual needs of Canada, what community evangelism and engagement can look like, and some practices for training young men with an interest in ministry.
Because we were recording with limited equipment, our audio is not up to our normal standard. We have cleaned it up to the best of our ability and apologize for the subpar quality.
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The Hymn Project with Jeremy Walker

aul writes in Ephesians commanding us to address one another with “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart (Ephesians 5:19). The Christian faith is a singing faith. We worship, learn, and fellowship in song. We praise, worship, and mourn to timeless melodies.
But not all hymns are created equal. And not all hymns are equally timeless. Even some of today’s most beloved hymns are substantially different from their original versions. In this special episode, Dr. John Snyder has Jeremy Walker on the podcast to discuss a work he has been actively pursuing for over 10 years. He is seeking to recover and update classic hymns for today’s churches.
Make sure you follow Media Gratiae over the coming months as we will work in conjunction with Jeremy to make this project widely available.
Show Notes:
Spurgeon’s Our Own Hymnbook:
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Union with Christ VI: The Objective Result, pt 2

The topic of justification, the objective reality of being united to Christ, is so vast that we couldn’t cover it in a single episode. To be honest, we could spend several weeks focusing solely on this topic and still only scratch the surface of what could be said.
Last week Dr. John Snyder and Acey Floyd talked about justification from our side: How can we be made right with God. This week we look at justification from God’s perspective: How can a holy and just God declare the guilty man right?
We start by looking at God’s character and then what He has said throughout Scripture. As theologians of the past have stated, God constitutes sinners to make them right with the law by uniting us to Jesus Christ. His innocence before the law, His perfect obedience to the law are imputed to every Christian. And every sin committed by the Christian is imputed, or placed upon, Jesus Christ on the cross.
Show Notes:
Romans 3:25-26
Romans 5:17
For further reading:
God’s Gospel of Grace –
Ligonier 12-session study on Union with Christ by Sinclair Ferguson –
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