The Importance of the Doctrine of Creation
There is a direct link between creation and new creation, between this universe’s origin and its regeneration (Matt. 19:28). The good pleasure and power of God began it, and He shall complete it. His Word faithfully declares how it all began. Do not be mistaken. You cannot concede this point without undermining the foundation for others.
Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker—Psalm 95:6
The doctrine of creation affects every area of life. We breathe created air, walk upon created ground, and look for the new creation to come. God revealed His glory to His creation and in this created world has unfolded the drama of redemption. Sadly, the biblical account of creation is under attack today. Some ridicule creation, others reject it outright. Should believers concede ground here? No, for compromising the doctrine of creation has far reaching effects for life and faith. This article will present five reasons creation is important while encouraging the reader to stand unashamedly upon the truth of the Word of God.
Creation Teaches Man about His Origins
One of the worst effects of amnesia is that people forget who they are. While we are more than the sum of our memories, the knowledge of birthplace, parents, upbringing—even our own names—all serve powerfully to shape our identities. Considering the widespread antagonism against the biblical account of creation, is it surprising that one of today’s most heated controversies focuses upon identity? So many are confused about who they are, and the answers the world holds forth are increasingly destructive.
The Bible explains both man’s identity and origin. God’s “Let there be” called forth and fashioned light, the seas, the earth, plants, and all living things. With man God did something different, “Let Us make man in Our image” (Gen 1:26). The Lord God fashioned man from the dust of the ground, molding him in unsearchable wisdom and making him a living being (Gen. 2:7).
Man is no soul-less product of evolution, but a fearfully and wonderfully fashioned person made to know and serve God in His presence (Ps. 139:14). Yet who can boast of being made from dust? Who can boast whose very existence is derived from another? An identity informed by creation is one of both dignity and humility. Man and women are not developed animals but dependent humans, made to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever (WSC 1).
Creation Calls Man to Trust God at His Word
“By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible” (Heb. 11:3). This faith is the reasonable foundation for knowledge. John Brown of Edinburgh wrote, “God has given us a revelation on this subject, and our knowledge rises out of our belief of that revelation.”[1] The Westminster Confession adds, “By this faith, a Christian believeth to be true whatsoever is revealed in the Word” (WCF 14.2)
God spoke all things into existence and perfectly formed the universe in the space of six days (Ex. 20:11). However, through a combination of societal pressures, desire for academic standing, or fear of being called a fundamentalist, many believers have faltered on this particular point. But consider: if it is too difficult to believe God created the universe in six days, what about the more “difficult” doctrines God teaches? If a believer concedes to worldly pressure on creation, what about the resurrection? Some claimed the resurrection was incredible (Acts 26:8) and others mocked Paul for believing it (Acts 17:32). Yet Christians believe this, not because reason can uncover empirical evidence for doing so, but because God’s Word declares it to be true. Do not be ashamed. Do not doubt. Remember, “our God is in heaven; He does whatever He pleases” (Ps. 115:3).
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