Peter Jones

Gay Nazarenes Article Corrected

Word has just emerged that the Nazarene denomination has taken a bold stand against free sex. A Church of the Nazarene court has found Thomas Jay Oord guilty of affirming and advocating for the inclusion of LGBTQ+ members, contrary to the church’s teachings. The church stated in part, “The Church of the Nazarene holds that ‘the practice of same-sex sexual intimacy is contrary to God’s will.’ ”

Last month during Pride Month I wrote (“Gay Nazarenes”) about a book with the intriguing title Why the Church of the Nazarene Should be Fully LGBTQ+ Affirming by Thomas Jay Oord, a pastor of the Nazarene Church, and Lexa Oord (SacraSage, 2023), encouraging the Church to adopt the full practice of same-sex marriage. Since ninety-some leaders of the Church wrote contributions for the book, I took it to represent the official position of the denomination. I was wrong.
I received a letter from Thomas Hogan, Senior Pastor of Amazing Grace Church of the Nazarene in Walla Walla, WA., stating that the “The majority of the denomination does not agree with Thomas Oord who is undergoing a denominational trial because his teachings are not in line with the denomination.” This is good news, especially since I finished my article by calling on my readers to pray for the Nazarenes. Christian orthodoxy cannot afford to lose a church known by its faithfulness to the Scriptures, especially in the light of the growing social power the LGBTQ ideology. For instance, how disappointing it was to see the Olympic games, a celebration of physical health, mock Christianity by imitating the classic painting of the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, including a group of drag queens enjoying the celebratory meal. In French the statement was made very clear and in rhyme: “La scène (the scene) de la Cène (the Last Supper) près de la Seine” (the river in Paris). In French, each key word sounds the same. The irony is that the water in the Seine is polluted, possibly interfering with some of the events. Inevitably, some swimmers are complaining of sickness.
Back to the Nazarenes. Word has just emerged that the Nazarene denomination has taken a bold stand against free sex. A Church of the Nazarene court has found Thomas Jay Oord guilty of affirming and advocating for the inclusion of LGBTQ+ members, contrary to the church’s teachings. The court’s statement is worth repeating:
We, the members of the Regional Board of Discipline, unanimously find to a moral certainty and beyond a reasonable doubt … that Thomas Jay Oord is guilty of conduct unbecoming a minister and of teaching doctrines out of harmony with the doctrinal statement of the Church of the Nazarene.” The Church of the Nazarene holds that “the practice of same-sex sexual intimacy is contrary to God’s will.
This is encouraging since many churches are giving in, such as the Open Way Church in Vancouver, Canada. Their Pastor Beth, who is “gay married” to another woman, invited pastor Carolina Glauster to preach in a Zoom service. Glauster is a Lutheran pastor who leads Mount Olivet Lutheran Church while also being in a proudly and open polyamorous relationship, having a “partner” and a “metamour” (the partner of your partner/ lover of your lover.) Inevitably there’s a bunch of openly practicing polyamorous men and women in this church. Naturally, Pastor Beth makes a point to gush over this relationship and polyamorous lifestyle, inviting any congregants who think they might want to explore this type of thing to get in touch with her.
Biblical Christians in many denominations can give thanks to God for the courage of fellow believers in the Nazarene Church and for their example to be followed throughout our movement. Certainly, we should love homosexuals, but we cannot endorse their sexual practice. As human beings created in God’s image, we are male and female, as the Scripture clearly states (Gen 1:27). In our sexuality, God calls us to bear witness to an increasingly unbelieving world.
Dr. Peter Jones was director of truthXchange, a communications center aimed at equipping the Christian community to recognize and effectively respond to the rise of paganism. Used with permission.
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Gay Nazarenes

The Nazarenes reject the Levitical texts because, according to them, such texts fail to show the love of God. Instead, they come from “ancient cultural biases.” The authors of “Why the Church” base their subjective argumentation on the power of love. God’s love must be shown to practicing homosexuals; to determine that their sexual practice is against the law of God is to show them hatred rather than love.

We are now obliged to hallow an entire month of Gay Pride celebrations of homosexual practice. Nude men and drag queens parade through our cities, while children look on. Children attending parades used to climb on the fire engines or walk next to a police officer. Now the police are obliged to march in step with the agenda, while military representatives wear a “pride patch” on their uniforms.
How and why has our culture come to accept such perverted sexuality as a ho-hum reality? No doubt the new DEI social justice theory of “oppressed and oppressor” has identified minority sexual identities as one of the oppressed communities. In this “pride” month I discovered a 469-page book with the intriguing title, Why the Church of the Nazarene Should be Fully LGBTQ+ Affirming by Thomas Jay Oord and Lexa Oord (SacraSage, 2023). The authors are a pastor and wife couple, members of the Nazarene church. They found some 90 key church members and leaders to write short chapters encouraging the Nazarene church to accept LBGTQ+ practitioners as members and elders of the church, and to adopt the full practice of same-sex marriage.
The Church of the Nazarene: Beginnings and Current Beliefs
The Church of the Nazarene is an evangelical Christian denomination that emerged in North American Methodism and the 19th century Holiness Movement/Revival. The name was born of a genuine desire to emulate Jesus’ compassion for the poor, as well as to follow the passion for the poor exhibited in the life of John Wesley, the founder of Methodism. The “Articles of Faith” in the Manual of Church of the Nazarene, states:
We believe in one God – the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit:

That the Old and New Testament scriptures, given by plenary inspiration, contain all truth necessary to faith and Christian living.
That man is born with a fallen nature and is, therefore, inclined to evil, and that continually.
That the finally impenitent are hopelessly and eternally lost.
That the atonement through Christ is for the whole human race; and that whosoever repents and believes in the Lord Jesus Christ is justified and regenerated and saved from the dominion of sin.
That believers are to be sanctified wholly, subsequent to regeneration, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
That the Holy Spirit bears witness to the new birth and also the entire sanctification of believers.
That our Lord will return, the dead will be raised, and the final judgment will take place.[1]

It is a major loss for Christian orthodoxy to lose such a powerful denomination. Alas, the mother-church of orthodox Methodism, namely United Methodism, is collapsing. United Methodism’s governing General Conference, from April 23 to May 3, 2024, deleted (!) the “denomination’s specific disapproval of adultery, premarital/extramarital sex, and homosexual behavior from its Book of Discipline.” Nearly two million conservative African Methodists have resolved to exit United Methodism.[2]
How to Read Scripture
Those favoring the normalization of homosexuality have a strange way of interpreting the Scriptures, since they consider them to be divinely inspired. Their reasoning is this: Methodism found a way of interpreting Paul’s teaching on the ordination of women, and there are now women pastors throughout Methodist churches. Methodism must now find a way of interpreting not only Paul’s teaching on sexuality, but explicit texts in Old Testament passages such as Leviticus 18:20–23, which includes homosexuality with incest, child sacrifice, and bestiality as examples of Canaanite (pagan) abominations:
And you shall not lie sexually with your neighbor’s wife and so make yourself unclean with her.
You shall not give any of your children to offer them to Molech, and so profane the name of your God: I am the LORD.
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.
And you shall not lie with any animal and so make yourself unclean with it, neither shall any woman give herself to an animal to lie with it: it is perversion. (Lev 18:20–23)
Since this text is concerned with the holiness of God (and thus Israel’s holiness) it also includes reminders to Israel in symbolic practice in everyday things.
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A Queer Book

As Christians we must ask what the future holds. At the end of the Sixties Revolution, Jungian psychologist and Gnostic spiritualist, June Singer, wrote a 1997 book ‘Androgyny: Towards a New Sexuality’. At the end of the Sixties Revolution, she saw and affirmed that the spiritual age of Aquarius was also the age of “androgyny” (the blending of male and female in bi-sexuality, homosexuality and transgenderism). She also correctly predicted the coming cosmology of a “new humanism,” a radical rejection of the biblical God and the cosmology of the Western Christian past.We now see the far-flung effects of what Singer saw so long ago. 

The Queering of the American Child: How a New School Religious Cult Poisons the Minds and Bodies of Normal Kids by Logan Lancing and James Lindsay
A Definition of Queer Theory
I looked forward to reading this book’s definition of Queer Theory (QT) and its effects on our children. (QT refers to “queer homosexuals” and LGBTQ ideology.) I hoped the book would give clarity to a movement that exposes LGBTQ+ thinking, which justifies disordered sexual practice among children as well as adults.
A definition of QT appears in the Introduction. QT seeks to “push children to destabilize tradition, eliminate social norms and poison their minds…(ix).” The book denies the value of trangenderism (xvi), as well as recent theories of gender and gender identity (xviii). Apparently, this is a conservative book. A decidedly gay reviewer states that: 
…there is nothing in this book that is accurate, it’s full of hate mongering, misinformation and propaganda. It promotes a Christian white nationalist agenda and is harmful to every LGBTQ person. 
This is indeed a book of conservative convictions except in one area—it justifies homosexual practice. The author defines “queering” as the rejection of anything normative, including binary sexuality (that is heterosexuality) (99), and shows how Drag Queen Story Hour affirms this destabilizing effect on children. Lancing’s theory is that when a society has not agreed on reasonable, healthy sexual norms and behaviors, then unreasonable and unhealthy ideas will fill the vacuum—like men becoming women. But Lancing wants to grant that homosexuality is part of normative living. He states: 
Queer Theory has nothing to do with being gay or lesbian. Gay identity…is rooted in the positive fact of homosexual object-choice…(proposed as) a stable reality.[1]
Citing gay author, David Halperin, the book accepts homosexuality as a positive (thus normative) stabilizing factor in a child’s mind, unlike the noxious results of Queer Theory (114-15). Unfortunately, many conservative thinkers consider homosexuality in exactly this way.
The Idol of Our Time
As this book shows, our culture does not know how to deal with LGBTQ reality, which it seeks to normalize. In her Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age, Rosaria Butterfield calls LGBTQ+ ideology “the idol of our time.” Her Lie #1 is “treating homosexuality as normal.”[2] Progressives and many conservatives happily affirm this lie. Carl Trueman wrote recently, 
In the coming decade every single church still calling itself Christian will face a choice: Do we follow Scriptural revelation, or the Sexual Revolution? The cross, or the rainbow flag?[3]
Many evangelicals fail to realize this stark choice. Evangelical pastor, Ken Wilson in his influential book, A Letter to My Congregation (2014) states: “We’re all—male and female—part of the bride of Christ.” He adds: “Maybe we are being asked (by the Spirit) to relax around gender distinctions a little (my italics).”[4] “Evangelical” Preston Sprinkle, a well-known exponent of the so-called Side B position on homosexuality, holds great influence on the student ministry CRU. He states: “I would say being same-sex attracted, while being a part of one’s fallen nature, is not a morally culpable sin that one needs to repent for.”[5] Modern culture, like certain evangelicals, normalizes and justifies gay behavior. This was not always the case.
As late as 1960, all fifty states maintained laws criminalizing sodomy. But things are changing. A strong majority of Americans now says that homosexual relations should be legal, and that the lifestyle is acceptable.[6] “Nearly every major U.S. brand promulgates the LGBT agenda.”[7] The government’s Center for Disease Control gives further present acceptance of LGBTQ practice: the number of LGBTQ students went from 11 percent in 2015 to 26 percent in 2021.[8] During the 2023 American baseball season, the Los Angeles Dodgers honored, not merely featured, an LGBT activist group, The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, composed of men dressed mockingly as Catholic nuns.
This lifestyle affirmation became more formal at the end of 2023, with the “Proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month.” President Joe Biden declared the month of June to be a time for all Americans to “recognize the achievements of the LGBTQ+ community, to celebrate the great diversity of the American people, and to wave their flags of pride high.”[9]
It is little wonder that the LGBTQ community is coming for our children. Lesbian author Patricia Nell Warren put it most succinctly: “Whoever captures the kids owns the future.”[10] The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus sings:
“We’re coming for your children.
“We’ll convert your children
Happens bit by bit
Quietly and subtly
And you will barely notice it…
You won’t approve of where they go at night.”
This agenda operates against the backdrop of a new movement called MAPS, Minor Attracted Persons, that is, pedophiles. Microsoft Co-Founder Bill Gates, has invested tens of millions of dollars into a radical nongovernmental organization: The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), which is endorsed by the World Health Organization, a group pushing for young children to be considered “sexual beings.”
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The Marxist Origin of Wokism

Political control of behavior and speech (the goal of CRT/Wokism) is a significant stage in the arrival of full-blown cultural Marxism. Though Rufo does not consider religious issues in his book, he states on his substack page that the future of America concerns the rejection of both religion (Christian morals) and of political liberalism (that is, constitutional law): “The problem I see is that abandoning a Christian moral framework and a liberal political framework means abandoning the United States as a whole….[it]would mean that we are in a Weimar scenario, with radical movements across the political spectrum vying for the regime”[20]. In Germany, the Weimar Republic led to the Hitler regime. 

The Hideous Face of Revolution
I am picking up a subject about which I have already written in an article entitled “Wokism: The New Pagan Morality.”[1] We now live in an increasingly post-Christian society. Interestingly, 56% of American voters deemed the term “woke” to be positive, associated with being informed and educated, while just 39% deemed it negative, likening it to censorship and being overly politically correct.[2] In his book, America’s Cultural Revolution: How the Left Conquered Everything,[3] Christopher Rufo traces the origins of CRT/Wokism, showing how America has been quietly taken over by the ideological heirs of 1960s radical neo-Marxists.[4] In his ground-breaking research of contemporary Western culture, he discovered a “hideous face of revolution” that is “a rot spreading through American life. The country’s foundations are starting to shake loose”. If this is true, we all need to know about it. 
We now live in an increasingly post-Christian society, easily seduced by false notions of reality. One recent study found that the median number of people in a Christian congregation in America in 2023 is 60. That’s less than half of what it was 20 years ago, when the number was 137. This steep decline has been called the “Great De-churching” of America.[5] Any respect for or worship of the Creator/Redeemer God is virtually absent. [6] People cannot live without morals, since God created an ethical universe. Those who do not want to respect God’s morals are busy normalizing the LGBTQ philosophy, eliminating the nuclear family and living according to the moral norms of neo-Marxist Wokism. Marxism is thoroughly anti-Christian, denying the being of God and seeing matter as ultimate. It worships the creature (matter) rather than the Creator (Rom 1:25). Marx had a close friendship with the radical New Testament scholar, Bruno Bauer, who claimed that the Christian gospels were forgeries. Marx himself believed that it was necessary to “recognize as the highest divinity the human self-consciousness itself,”[7] thereby dismissing God. Today’s Critical Race Theory is a modern form of atheism that derives from Marxism, as we shall show. CRT believes in the Postmodern “truth,” which does not come from God but is rather an expression of human power. Many, even Christians,[8] are abandoning their personal faith in the God of Scripture and seeking a new source of morality. Wokism’s false morality plays on the sensitive conscience of young Americans.
White supremacy argues, in Marxist fashion, that society is always divided into oppressors (owners) and the oppressed (workers). In today’s context, whites are the oppressors and minorities are the oppressed (particularly Blacks, women, illegal aliens, and LGBTQ). Biblical morality is seen as oppressive because of its standards of sexual behavior. 
As noted in my previous article, Stanley Ridgley has done an excellent job researching the semi-religious movement of Wokism in his book, Brutal Minds (2023).[9] His subtitle describes what he has seen: The Dark World of Left-Wing Brainwashing in Our Universities. He saw the decided intention of university administrators not only to undermine a student’s ability to engage in classical academic thinking but to give them a serious case of “religious” guilt. I have often wondered why the history of the West and of America in particular are not taught in American universities. Jesse Jackson’s 1987 rallying cry at Stanford University springs to mind: “Hey ho, what d’ya know, Western civ has got to go.” We see now that, indeed, it got up and went!
Wokism is a progressive political program that has infiltrated our American culture in its government administrations, its companies and its educational facilities, where “diversity officers” of DEI (“diversity, equity and inclusion”) will “cancel” anyone who does not follow the new rules. This “hideous system,” to use Rufo’s term, is dangerous because it proposes itself as good, seeking social justice and opposing racism. 
Authors who seek to understand present-day culture find its roots in the Sixties Cultural Revolution. Rufo points out that in the Sixties, some radical intellectuals turned away from the violent actions of racial groups like the Black Panthers and attempted to change the culture ideologically. They abandoned racist violence in the streets in favor of “a long march through the institutions,” that would make cultural revolution an attractive philosophical novelty, to be developed in the universities and bureaucracies. This was the original work of the Frankfurt School of German Jewish Marxists, who, seeking to escape Hitler’s Germany, moved to Columbia University, where they pursued their study of contemporary neo-Marxism. One of them, Herbert Marcuse, moved to the West Coast, and exercised great influence on the radical students of the Sixties. Marcuse and Marxist radical Rudi Dutschke (who invented that phrase— “the long march through the institutions”) worked together as early as 1966. Marcuse wrote to Dutschke in 1971 agreeing with this strategy: “Let me tell you this: that I regard your notion of the ‘long march through the institutions’ as the only effective way.”[10]
The modern Left is currently fulfilling Marcuse’s prophesy that if Western society could be liberated from capitalist repression, the “oppressive” moral and religious foundations of the West would collapse and the populace would discover true freedom. Rather than proposing a dictatorship of the proletariat (in the old Marxist style), he proposed “a dictatorship of the intellectuals”. This neo-Marxism is the origin of Critical Race Theory.
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Where Are We Going and Where Have We Been?

The LGBTQ agenda has become the new orthodoxy of woke culture. Anyone who even questions it is declared a heretic and cast from society for blasphemy. In this cultural setting we can expect resistance to and eventually persecution of those who hold to biblical orthodoxy. This agenda is new in recent Western history, so it is important for us to take a look at ancient history. History is crucial for understanding the theological and spiritual implications of homosexuality for the thinking of today’s church and culture. 

The cultural conflict is no longer simply political. The economic value of socialism or capitalism is no longer the debate separating citizens. It is, rather, what our children are learning, whether in non-Christian state schools or even in some Christian schools, about their sexuality, their family life and the theological issues that determine ultimate meaning.
The Sixties was a key moment for Western culture. It might be hard to imagine, but when I was growing up as a lad in working-class Liverpool, England, and even when I became a young man in the Fifties, I had never even heard the word “homosexual.” If, by some chance, that word came up at one time, I would not have known what it meant. Then came the Sixties, when deviant sexuality exploded into the public square and now “alternate” sex is seen as normative.
Normalizing the LGBTQ Agenda
The present administration boasts that its cabinet has more female, gay, black and trans members than ever before. It went further in the normalization of sexual extremism by appointing Sam Brinton to the Department of Energy, where he is responsible for nuclear waste. It seems he took “nuclear” to heart, appearing at the White House in high-heeled shoes, bright lipstick, a striking moustache—and sporting a fetching dress he had stolen at an airport luggage collection point! When his theft was uncovered, the administration reluctantly let him go. The Biden Administration also elevated Rachel (née Richard) Levine, a trans lad/lass with flowing golden tresses. Levine is a four-star admiral who holds the post of Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services. In public, he proudly presents in formal naval attire, thus reinforcing the administration’s position on transgenderism. This is the new political norm,[1] which the President made official. At the end of the “Proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month, 2023” the president declared (joining God and queer issues) that the month of June was to be a time for all Americans to “recognize the achievements of the LGBTQI+ community, to celebrate the great diversity of the American people, and to wave their flags of pride high.” The final line states: “In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-seventh.”
It’s little wonder that “nearly every major U.S. brand promulgates the LGBT agenda,”[2] and many people are proud of their support of LGBTQ issues. This is especially true of sports personalities. Georgia Marie Stanway, captain of the British ladies’ soccer team, exults: “We’re never shy in saying what we stand for. We’re a squad that promotes inclusivity, equality, we obviously have a number of people that feel very strongly about it.”[3] The California Senate engaged in a ceremony honoring “The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.[4] The “Sisters” are gay men dressed as nuns, who make fun of the traditional nuns’ view of sex. They are drag queens in nun outfits, calling themselves by obscene names, peddling hatred and reveling in blasphemy. Americans are a tolerant people. But we should realize that sexual deviance has by now become an issue to divide the nation into the morally and socially cool, versus the luddites.
They Are Coming for Our Children in Their Schools
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, friend of Jeffrey Epstein and visitor to his island, has invested tens of millions of dollars in a radical nongovernmental organization called the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), which is endorsed by the World Health Organization. The IPPF is pushing for young children to be considered “sexual beings.” “Sexual activity may be part of different types of relationships, including dating, marriage, or commercial sex work, among others,” IPPF said, about what children under 10 should be taught. The toolkit said that children under 10 should also be told: “As you grow up, you might start to be interested in people with diverse gender identities.”[5]This view is taught in numerous schools.
Such explicit instruction is clearly emphasized in the drag queen shows put on in public libraries for children all over the country, developing in them an interest for “diverse gender identities,” that is, interest in non-binary sexual androgyny in which sexual identities are joined in a hopeless mish-mash. This androgynous sex is expressed in: homosexuality, in which both males become females in their love-making; bi-sexuality, in which a person enjoys both male and female sex; transgenderism, in which a male or female person pretends to be the opposite sex; and in drag queen practice. Interestingly, Texas Christian University now offers a course teaching that the male/female gender binary is an expression of white supremacy![6] It also discusses how to create a drag persona. As the culmination of this “academic work,” students participate in a performance in the university’s annual drag show.
They Are Coming for Our Children in Our Churches
On Monday, June 5, 2023, the Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Divine hosted a “Faith Perspectives Panel” examining the intersection of religion and the LGBTQ+ movement as part of the Cathedral’s iconic Pride celebration. The panel discussion centered around deconstructing the “binary view” of the church, namely the doctrine of God the Creator.[7]
In June, 2023, another Lutheran female “minister” recited a heretical “Sparkle Creed” as part of a recent church service, (about which I have already commented).[8] The Edina Community Lutheran Church (ECLC) “minister,” Anna Helgen, led the congregation in the “creed”:
I believe in the non-binary God whose pronouns are plural. I believe in Jesus Christ, their child who wore a fabulous tunic and had two dads and saw everyone as a sibling-child of God.I believe in the rainbow spirit who shatters our image of one white light and refracts it into a rainbow of gorgeous diversity….
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Wokism: The New Pagan Morality

For many, the God of the Bible is dead, as the title page of Time Magazine said way back in 1966: “God is Dead.” Ridgley’s conclusions also challenge the church in its attempt to interact through cultural apologetics. How do we address—with the gospel—a culture that has lost its view of classic morals? We are in the situation of early Christianity, surrounded by pagan Rome, where citizens do not know the God of the Bible. 

Many sociologists now speak about the arrival of the post-Christian era in both America and the West in general. Way back in 1976, Newsweek Magazine spoke of “the year of the evangelical.” But church attendance is down in America. Young people abandon any semblance of their childhood faith as soon as they set foot in a university. This is a great concern in our churches. The Wall Street Journal recently published an analysis of national sentiment over the past 25 years on: 

      Religion: 62% in 1998 vs 39% today.
      Having kids: 59% in 1998 vs 30% today.
      Community involvement: 47% in 1998 vs 27% today.
      Patriotism: 70% in 1998 vs 38% today.[1]
      The number of weddings: 40% lower in 2000 than in 1970

Star Parker, a black Christian intellectual gives similar figures and sees the sign of a “nation committing suicide.”[2]
While 20th century unbelief was atheistic, religiosity is now everywhere, as astrology and occultism flourish in mainstream culture.[3]  Such an abandon of personal biblical faith has some obvious causes. Many universities, for instance, have become centers of Marxist training and/or Critical Race Theory, both of which are based on a godless post-modernism, generally called Wokism. George Floyd’s death affected major institutions—from federal agencies to Fortune 100 companies. Encouraged by the Department of Justice and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, such organizations hastily pledged themselves to the new flag of Wokism. They gave multi-millions to groups like Black Lives Matter and promoted a revised version of morality preached through DEI—“diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Wokism’s leaders insist that America is fundamentally racist and they demand “antiracist discrimination” (a technical term used to discriminate against people identified as racist) to produce “racial equity.” This semi-religious ideology abhors “systemic racism,” “white supremacy,” “white privilege,” and “antiracism.” Racism in America today is, to a very significant degree, a manufactured problem, crafted by woke Leftists in order to overthrow the American way of life. Most major cities, many major companies, the educational system and the government’s policymaking apparatus all bow down together before the god of Wokism. 
Few Christian students seem trained or qualified to know how to answer such powerful ideological opposition. Indeed, as we will note below, students have been deliberately trained into a Wokist viewpoint. The average four-year university now has more DEI officials on its staff than history professors. DEI offices have broadened the meaning of terms like “harassment” and “discrimination” not to promote a welcoming campus environment but to enforce a progressive ideology often proposed as a Marxian counter-revolution, determined by an ideologically driven progressivism.
Those who have lost faith in God need a new moral structure, which Wokism provides by playing on the sensitive conscience of American citizens, especially young Americans. They are told that white supremacy is just like the Marxist description of oppressing owners and oppressed workers. Now it is White oppressors and oppressed minorities—Blacks, women, illegal aliens, gays and trans individuals. Unlike biblical morality, this system does not include forgiveness. Whites remain guilty forever and blacks are doomed to be forever victims. In addition, there is no notion of original sin, no divine justice, and no atoning work of Christ to wash us clean. Alas, this is a false pagan morality in which God is absent. Such thinking has entered many churches under the appeal of moralism—see for instance, Lucas Miles’ Woke Jesus[4] and A.D. Robles’ Social Justice Pharisees.[5] Soon, I hope to treat this more thoroughly, but here I am focusing on the attack against students.
Professor Stanley Ridgley in his book Brutal Minds: Brainwashing in Our Universities,[6] documents that university administrators in particular deliberately intend to undermine a student’s ability to engage in classical academic thinking and to inculcate in them a serious case of “religious” guilt. Ridgley seeks to show “how one of history’s great institutions—the American university—is undergoing an infiltration by an ‘army of mediocrities’ whose goal is to destroy the university as an institution of knowledge-creation and replace it as an authoritarian organ of ideology and propaganda.”[7] Jesse Jackson’s 1987 rallying cry at Stanford University, “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western civ has got to go,” springs to mind, since Western Civilization courses have truly disappeared. 
The new ideology, now labeled as Wokism, is summed up in a vigorous and progressive political program, which has spread in recent years throughout the culture—in government administrations, businesses and educational facilities— via the prompting of “diversity officers” of DEI, “diversity, equity and inclusion.” In the wake of George Floyd’s death, companies scrambled to hire “chief diversity officers” who would apply DEI, which quickly imposed the new moral principles required by the progressive state. In 2018, fewer than half the companies in the S&P 500 employed a “chief diversity officer.” By 2022, under pressure from state regulations, three out four companies had created such a position.[8] This is also the case in university administrations.
As an example of how far this goes, consider the following incident. In February 2023, Dennis Prager, a Jewish intellectual who promotes conservative values, was invited, along with Christian leader, Charlie Kirk (founder of Turning Point USA) to speak at Arizona State University (ASU) for a conference organized by Barrett College, the honors college of ASU. The conference was innocently entitled “Health, Wealth and Happiness.”
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Witchcraft Sparkle for the Liberal Church

In her false trinitarian creed, she makes the “rainbow spirit” an affirmation of non-binary queer theory where the triune God is blended with everything in “a gorgeous diversity.” On the contrary, to please God who is binary––separate from us––we must bear his binary image in our sexuality in maintaining the male/female distinction.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a conglomeration of Lutheran denominations, had over five million members when it was launched in 1988, joining three independent Lutheran confessions with nearly 10,000 congregations and 65 synods. But now, in spite of the word “Evangelical,” this union is in decline. One of its churches, in Edina, Minnesota, throws a pagan sparkle into the deep meaning of “decline.”[1] This June, Anna Helgen, an LGBT Lutheran “minister,” stood in her Lutheran pulpit, dressed in pastoral robes, and recited what she called a “Sparkle Creed” as part of the church service. This liturgy was riddled with heresy rarely, if ever, so blatantly expressed in a Christian service.
The creed began:
         “I believe in the non-binary God whose pronouns are plural.” 
This statement not only confesses God to be the merging of male and female, but by doing so also makes God “non-binary” in a deeper way. To assume that God is some kind of amalgam of sexuality taken from creation as we live it is to reduce “god” to a creation of our own minds. The Apostle Paul’s confessional statement in Romans 1:25 is totally reversed. Instead of worshiping the Creator, who is distinct from his creation, this “sparkle” confession merges creation and a non-binary “god,” thus destroying the inherent distinction of existence, namely: God is separate from his creation. Helgen’s statement is a total denial of God as Creator of all that exists apart from him. It was amazing that God did not reach down and knock this heretic from her Christian pulpit. That would have been a worship service with lots of unexpected sparkle.
The creed continued:
         I believe in Jesus Christ, their child who wore a fabulous tunic and had two dads and saw everyone as a sibling-child of God.
Once “God” is defined by our existence, everything devolves. This statement is deliberately confusing. “Their” child; “two dads”; “sibling child”? The majesty of the Son as a distinct member of the divine trinity is trivialized in the mention of a “fabulous tunic,” probably referring to the rainbow flag of present day homosexual pride celebrations. Helgen manages to get SS Marriage (“two dads”) into her confession, though the Spirit is never described as the Father (if those two are meant to be the “dads”). Helgen tries to make all things spiritual, just the way pagans do. She fails to include any mention of the statements of the Apostles’ Creed: Christ’s appearance before Pilate, his atoning death, his glorious resurrection, and his ascension. There is no “forgiveness of sins,” so the Son is not the Savior, just a cool dude.
         I believe in the rainbow spirit who shatters our image of one white light and refracts it into a rainbow of gorgeous diversity. 
In her false trinitarian creed, she makes the “rainbow spirit” an affirmation of non-binary queer theory where the triune God is blended with everything in “a gorgeous diversity.” On the contrary, to please God who is binary––separate from us––we must bear his binary image in our sexuality in maintaining the male/female distinction.[2]
         I believe in the church of everyday saints as numerous, creative, and resilient as patches on the AIDS quilt. I believe in the calling to each of us that love is love is love is love, so beloved let us love. 
In this creed, it is not God’s love that inspires this church but human-invented love, which includes all manner of sexual desire. She does not turn to our Lord, the very personification of love, to know what love means, as Scripture tells us: “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom 5:8).
The confession ends:
         I believe, glorious God, help my unbelief.
The definition of this “glorious god” is provided by the prayer of another “pastor,” Jeff Sartain, who prayed for LGBTQ youth who come to worship, “embodied by Two-Spirit people.”[3] “Two spirit people” is a synonym for the American Indian term “berdache.” These were homosexual or androgynous priests of godless pagan religion intent on wiping out God the Creator. They worship nature and everything nature produces.
Though journalists classify the beliefs of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as “Christian liberalism,” the creed preached by Anna Helgen is pure satanism or witchcraft. Without mentioning his name, that creed worships the pagan god, Baphomet, an ancient Satanic symbol of the divine, who is a non-binary mix of goat and human. Aleister Crowley, the famous occultist of the last century, popularized witchcraft and believed that Baphomet was an androgyne, with both male and female genitals.
Helgen’s Lutheran heresy is catching on. Quinton Caesar, a Lutheran pastor in Germany, at the conclusion of the recent annual gathering of the nation’s Lutheran pastors, announced: “Now is the time to say . . . ‘God is queer.’”
The outside world needs to know that this is heretical Christianity, and that since the earliest times, the Church has confessed the Apostles’ Creed as the essence of the Christian faith, based on the eye-witness testimony of the original apostles and the teaching of Jesus.
It is no exaggeration to say that this “church” is a form of witchcraft, masquerading as Christian progress. May the true church be warned to maintain Scripture’s revelation of truth in a world seeking to deny that such truth exists. Thus we say with the church throughout the ages:

I believe in God, the Father almighty,creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,who was conceived by the Holy Spiritand born of the virgin Mary.He suffered under Pontius Pilate,was crucified, died, and was buried;he descended to hell.The third day he rose again from the dead.He ascended to heavenand is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty.From there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,the holy catholic church,the communion of saints,the forgiveness of sins,the resurrection of the body,and the life everlasting. Amen.
Dr. Peter Jones is scholar in residence at Westminster Seminary California and associate pastor at New Life Presbyterian Church in Escondido, Calif. He is director of truthXchange, a communications center aimed at equipping the Christian community to recognize and effectively respond to the rise of paganism. This article is used with permission.

[1]Matt Lamb, Lutheran female ‘minister’ leads congregation in pro-LGBT ‘Sparkle Creed,’ Life Site News, June 28, 2023 |.
[2] The puzzling phrase, “One white light,” could be taken as a derogatory mention of racial domination or, perhaps, a shattering of the Christian belief that all good and all power comes from the unique God described in the Scriptures.
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Destroying the Family

Though the family is under attack in these difficult times, we have many occasions to stand up for the family by showing the beauty of marriage and children. We do not rely on the impression we make in our marriages and families, though such qualities stand out these days. We also share the Gospel, which is good and true news available for anyone who comes to Christ in faith. The choices people are making will not satisfy them. They are lonely, anxious, and confused. God the thoughtful Creator has not only given us the blessings of families, but has also provided forgiveness, guidance and love in the person of Jesus, the Son of God, the loving Redeemer, who welcomes us into the family of God.

A few years ago, a beautiful young woman named Yeonmi Park, escaped into China from North Korea, where people are arrested for religious crimes and face detention, forced labor, torture, sexual violence, and death. Eventually, she came to the United States, where she enrolled as a graduate student at Columbia University. Here are her thoughts about her graduate experience:
The things that I was learning at Columbia really shocked me because it was the exact same thing that my North Korean teachers were brainwashing me in the classroom. At Columbia University, they were literally saying that all the problems that we have is because of capitalism, because of white men, and the solution for all these problems is a communist revolution in the name of equity.[1]
She dubbed her alma mater a “pure indoctrination camp” and said that many of her classmates at New York City’s most elite school were “brainwashed like North Korean students are.”[2]
The story continues. Some students at Syracuse University objected to Yeonmi Park’s invitation to address a gathering hosted by the Syracuse College Republicans. They called Park a liar and tore up her promotional flyers.[3]
Similarly, during an April 12, 2023 meeting, the Associated Students of Whitworth University voted 9-4 against hosting Xi Van Fleet, a survivor of Maoist China, on campus, due to her anti-woke tweets.[4] Van Fleet, who immigrated from Maoist China to the U.S, draws parallels between the Chinese Cultural Revolution and what she calls the “Woke Revolution,” according to a description of her book Mao’s America: A Survivor’s Warning. The students objected to her tweets because they “were fearful of her bringing views to campus that would be hurtful or offensive.”[5]
Ironically Columbia University (see above) was home of the neo-Marxist “Frankfurt School” in the 1930s, whose mission was to end the influence of Christianity in the culture. The “long march through the institutions” includes the neo-Marxism of a modern radical Left that are transforming our universities into one-party indoctrination and recruitment centers for CRT and Wokism. Current success figures: 82% of university faculty members are leftists, 16% are moderates and only 1.4% are conservatives. “Republicans make up 4% of historians, 3% of sociologists, and a mere 2% of literature professors.”[6] It is little wonder that a majority of students dislike America and its free market system.
Have we come to the point at which American college students will not believe the impassioned warnings of those who have escaped from communism? Are our students so brainwashed that they deny history? Perhaps this is what Obama meant when he said: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America” (October 30, 2008).[7]
This popularization of Marxism has been documented by three non-Christian academics: James Lindsay, Helen Pluckrose and Peter Boghosian, two of whom co-authored the popular philosophical book, Cynical Theories. They state:
Though we didn’t understand the (Marxist) Gramscian, Maoist, Marcusian strategy of the Long March through the Institutions or its mechanisms at the time, we certainly could see the fruits of it in operation in the corner of scholarship we targeted. In short, through the 1960s, 70s, and 80s, the halls of academe were increasingly filled with neo-Marxist and postmodern activists who reliably place their social and political prejudices ahead of any pursuit of truth, … Our universities have become increasingly insular seminaries for a neo-Gnostic cult religion that passes itself off as social science and theory. Entire institutions, including national governments, huge mega-corporations, global NGOs, the entire establishment media apparatus, and most terribly our universities and schools are wholly in thrall to the fraudulent ideology we exposed. In our time the worst of our kind dominate and control almost every lever of authority and power in our land.”[8]
These seemingly abstract ivory tower ideas have had real and nefarious effects in our culture on a practical level, particularly in what progressivism is doing to the family. The attack on the family is not simply an expression of godless secularism. Marx and Engels argued that the nuclear family performs ideological functions for Capitalism and teaches passive acceptance of hierarchy. The family is also the institution through which the wealthy pass private property to their children, thus reproducing class inequality. According to Engels, the monogamous nuclear family only emerged with Capitalism and so must be destroyed.[9]
The debate rages in many places. Take, for example, the Republican walkout in the Oregon Senate on May 3, 2023. Floor sessions were stalled over Republican resistance to far-left legislation that would allow minors to have abortions and access transgender drugs and procedures without parental consent. The conservative author of the article states: “the normative family, the mother and father sticking together for the sake of the children, is the only possible basis for a safe and successful society.” [10] A child changing his or her gender identity has major long-term medical and psychological ramifications. Parents should know, and have an opportunity to be involved in, such an important aspect of their child’s well-being.
The progressive extremists, on the other hand, believe that the nation’s children belong to the state. Parents should just “shut up,” as a Democrat New Hampshire state legislator put it. They want to take over the impressionable minds of the parents’ kids to indoctrinate them with gender identity and critical race theory dogma. These extremists’ aim is to destroy the nuclear family.
Richard Pipes, Emeritus Professor of History at Harvard University, posits that “the totalitarian state aims at obliterating all distinctions between itself and the citizenry (society) by penetrating and controlling every aspect of organized life.”[11]  Robert Knight Senior Fellow for the American Civil Rights Union and a columnist for the Washington Times would no doubt agree with Pipes, for on April 16, 2023, Knight said, “We are, indeed, in a titanic battle of worldviews. One of them will refloat America’s economy guided by the Constitution and America’s heritage, and the other will sink it like a rock.” We see the attempt at division and even indoctrination in our schools and communities. College professor and MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry says your children are not yours—they are owned by the community. “We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” she says from her position as professor of political science at Tulane University, where she is founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race, and Politics in the South. Kids belong to whole communities, she insists, and once we realize this, we’ll make “better investments” in government indoctrination of children.[12] This same reasoning has been brewing in our culture for a long time, as we remember from Hillary Clinton’s It Takes a Village.
This goal is not that of secular humanism but of the specific ideology of Marxist theory. Marx and Engels were committed to the destruction of the Western family. Theologian Jerry Newcombe states that “America is a grand experiment, encapsulated by an idea which flies in the face of Marxism: self-rule under God. Remove either part, the ‘self-rule’ or the ‘under God’ (as our internal and external enemies would like to see happen) and we would no longer have America as founded…It would seem that we are faced with a choice of two options for our national future: revival or ruin.”[13]
The Media Research Center, a conservative watchdog group, obtained documents showing that a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) program, previously meant to fight terrorism, is now funding a group whose work has explicitly targeted Christian, conservative, and Republican organizations using federal taxpayer dollars. In his presentation, one of the leaders of this program, Dr. Michael Loadenthal, professor at Loyola University, Maryland, boasted openly that “a lot of things we’re doing are illegal” and “a lot of it involves breaking the law.”[14] Invoking Marxist and Postmodern theory, he justifies the wrong doing as necessary because “hate speech is more than speech. It’s materiality. It’s organizing. It’s mobilization. It’s not an exchange of ideas in the marketplace and the best one wins. It’s something else. It’s the strategic deployment of organizational energy and power.”[15]
With this methodology, employed in government organizations, anything, including the Marxist destruction of the family, can be justified. This is what is understood by equity.
Our children are certainly under attack from the LGBTQ ideology. Popular stores like Target and Walmart are marketing “gay clothes” to children. The “drag queen story hour” is proposed to children in many public libraries. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, friend of Jeffrey Epstein and visitor to his island, has invested tens of millions of dollars into a radical nongovernmental organization called the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). It is endorsed by the WHO that is pushing for young children to be considered “sexual beings.” “Sexual activity may be part of different types of relationships, including dating, marriage, or commercial sex work, among others,” IPPF said, concerning what children under 10 should be taught. They should also be told: “As you grow up, you might start to be interested in people with diverse gender identities.”[16] Our children are under fire from Queer theorists, who are not silent about it.
The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus sings:
“We’re coming for your children…We’ll convert your childrenHappens bit by bit. Quietly and subtlyAnd you will barely notice it…”
As an example of how they “come,” organizers of a “Youth Carnival” sponsored by two Indiana LGBTQ+ associations and the Indianapolis Airport Authority will not allow parents to attend with their children. According to an Instagram post by Indiana Youth Group, it is collaborating with Indy Pride to hold the carnival for “youth” ages 12 to 20.[17] The role of parents is totally undermined.
Respected journalist Daniel Greenfield shows how the US State Department of Education conducts civil rights investigations that accuse school districts of creating “a hostile environment for students, based on sex.” How are these schools doing this? By removing books containing “graphic details of sexual acts” from school libraries. Removal, that is, not the reading of these books (like the one mentioned below) is harmful for society. This would include “All Boys Aren’t Blue.” I hesitate to type the words from this book, for I would never utter them! However, as Christians, we must realize the horrors that are foisted on our children. In the afore-mentioned book there are sections describing two young boys engaging is mutual sexual discovery, with phrases such as, “he reached his hand down and pulled out my d____. He quickly went to giving me h___” and “for the first few minutes, we dry humped and grinded.”[18] This is meant to foster homosexual desire in young boys. About the controversy over the book, our first lady (a mother herself), Jill Biden, publicly declared: “All books should be in the library. All books. This is America. We don’t ban books.”[19]Except, maybe one day, the Bible.
The goal of my text, in denouncing these policies and political tendencies, is not for the creation of a theocracy, for a Christian nation or for a rightwing political ideology. As Al Mohler says, theocracies apply the first table of the Law, which requires love for and worship of God by God’s chosen people. This cannot be a Christian goal for believers to impose on unbelievers. Christians can, however, propose legislation that upholds the second table of the law, namely inter-personal morality which applies to everyone, especially our children, living in a God-created universe, for their own good and prosperity as created beings. This certainly applies to the family, which is so deconstructed that young people either reject marriage or, if married, refuse to have children. Even the Supreme Court is involved in undermining the family, declaring same-sex marriage in 2015 to be a legal marital structure, but thereby destroying the family as God intended it at the beginning.[20] When God says “It is not good for man to be alone” that could well be understood to say, “It is not good that there be men alone,” which is clearly true of marriage, which the Supreme Court failed to maintain. The civilization and the family declared by the Creator, required women, who would be mothers. Two married men, claiming to be fathers, do not make a family or a civilization, as God intended.
See how the Creator and marriage are joined in Scripture: “For your Maker is your husband, the LORD of hosts is his name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth he is called” (Isa 54:5). This text presupposes a wife, namely Israel.
Though the family is under attack in these difficult times, we have many occasions to stand up for the family by showing the beauty of marriage and children. We do not rely on the impression we make in our marriages and families, though such qualities stand out these days. We also share the Gospel, which is good and true news available for anyone who comes to Christ in faith. The choices people are making will not satisfy them. They are lonely, anxious, and confused. God the thoughtful Creator has not only given us the blessings of families, but has also provided forgiveness, guidance and love in the person of Jesus, the Son of God, the loving Redeemer, who welcomes us into the family of God.
Dr. Peter Jones is scholar in residence at Westminster Seminary California and associate pastor at New Life Presbyterian Church in Escondido, Calif. He is director of truthXchange, a communications center aimed at equipping the Christian community to recognize and effectively respond to the rise of paganism. This article is used with permission.

[2] Ibid.
[3] Syracuse U. Students Object to Talk by North Korea Defector Yeonmi Park, Calling Her a Liar, Legal Insurrection, 04/27/2023, Mike LaChance.
[4] What are they afraid of?, Student govt. rejects hosting anti-woke survivor of Maoist China, Campus Reform, 21 Apr 2023, Thomas Stevenson
[5] Graham J Noble Liberty Nation, May 13, 2023
[8] Woke Identity Marxism Video: The Reformers: A New Film About the Grievance Studies Affair:
James Lindsay, Corruption, Evil, Hatred of God, Ideology, Marxism, Other Writers, New Discourses, May 7, 2023.
[10] Katherine Hamilton, Oregon GOP Continues Walkout as Democrats Push Anti-Parent Abortion, Trans Bills, ChicagoConservative27, 05/26/2023
[11] Richard Pipes, Communism: A History (Random House), 105.
[12] Kurt Nimmo, MSNBC Host Harris Perry: Your Kids Belong to the Collective;, April 6, 2013. See
[15] Luis Cornelio and Tim Kilcullen, “How Biden’s DHS Is Weaponizing an Anti-Terror Program Against Christians, Conservatives & the GOP,” (May 25th, 2023), MRC NEWSBUSTERS.
[16] Frank Bergman Bill Gates Plows Millions into Group Claiming Kids Are “Sexual Beings,” SLAY News, April 17, 2023.
[20] The Respect for Marriage Act. 2022, repeals the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). DOMA barred the federal government from respecting the marriages of same-sex couples who were married under state law, which excluded them from federal recognition, such as with Social Security benefits, tax benefits, and more. The Respect for Marriage Act extends the act of the Supreme Court and received bipartisan support in Congress and signals how far public support is now given to same sex marriage.
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Jordan Peterson, Jung, and Hope for the Faint-Hearted

Jordan Peterson seems to be a genuine seeker after truth, with an insatiable appetite to put the world together in a coherent worldview. Much of what he says is very “Christian friendly,” but his coherence breaks down when he finds inspiration in Carl Jung, one of the most powerful creators of today’s post-Christian, neo-pagan culture. 
In our angry, divided, and polemical society, young Christians, eager for measured peace, encourage us to accept the good things our society brings. Do we always have to see culture wars? This is a laudable desire. Nevertheless, Christians enamored of modern culture run the risk of ignoring its underlying anti-Christian ideology and diluting the unique truth of the Gospel.
Some have so adopted cultural norms that they are no longer even Christian. In my recent review of Brian McLaren’s The Great Spiritual Migration I quoted his statement that God must no longer be understood as the separate “omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent” (GSM 92) Creator and cosmic Ruler, and that Christianity must lose its monotheistic notions to embrace a “grander, inclusive [non-dualistic] God who demonstrates solidarity with all” (GSM 101). Once identifying as an evangelical, McLaren has followed our contemporary all-religions-are-one culture right out the door of Christianity: “Religions…will not survive if we believe that our religion is the only one true religion” (GSM 102). His version of Christianity is just an echo of a progressive social justice gospel. It defines itself as pure from anti-Semitism, rejection of women, racism and religious bigotry. The church should work to heal climate change by installing “solar panels” (GSM 172−3) or a “community garden” (GSM 173)—for “the common good” (GSM 168). I have solar panels on my house, but I don’t quite see it as mandatory for eternal salvation. With little exaggeration, McLaren’s “migration” could be called The Great Spiritual Apostasy.
John Seel’s book, The New Copernicans has a creative strategy to save the evangelical church: the Millennials’ love of the culture’s intuitive, “right brain” thinking, and its affection for pagan religious mysticism will deliver us from dead, “left-brain” theology. But we must not forget that Millennials have lived in the newly-minted version of pagan thinking that invaded the West in the Sixties. Do they now hold the key to spiritual revival? Should they be given authority to redefine genuine Christianity, as Seel believes? Not if the pagan, mystical culture serves as their norm for understanding biblical wisdom.
Young evangelicals eager for a truce in the culture wars have a new hero: Jordan Peterson, a charming, brilliant and entertaining Canadian professor with a myriad of fascinating things to say. I have listened to a good many of his lectures myself and stand in admiration of his ability to lecture for hours without notes, keeping his audiences in rapt attention. But I wish to issue a warning. Peterson’s fresh view of “faith” involves admiration of (at least) one dangerous thinker—Carl Jung, the famous Swiss psychologist (d. 1961).
True, everyone is made in God’s image and we can learn things from unbelievers! Nevertheless, a great ideological conflict exists between biblical truth and the anti-Christian thinking of our culture. A naïve embrace of the spiritual usefulness of Carl Jung, [1] may give you a reputation of open-mindedness and sophistication. But you may also be in danger of unwitting and deep theological compromise.
Jordan Peterson seems to be a genuine seeker after truth, with an insatiable appetite to put the world together in a coherent worldview. Much of what he says is very “Christian friendly,” but his coherence breaks down when he finds inspiration in Carl Jung, one of the most powerful creators of today’s post-Christian, neo-pagan culture. Jung has been described as “the father of Neo-Gnosticism and the New Age Movement.”[2] Jung himself stated: “The possibility of a comparison with alchemy, and the uninterrupted intellectual chain back to Gnosticism, gave substance to my psychology.”[3] Gnosticism, as you may know, was the great apostasy opposed by the early Church Fathers. According to Jung, you could not call yourself a Jungian without being a Gnostic. According to the Fathers, you could not be a Gnostic and a call yourself a Christian.
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The Grammys Go Deeper

As if by magic, the stage morphed into a massive cathedral with imposing stained-glass windows and a marriage archway. High Priestesses “Material Girl” Madonna and pure “royalty,” Queen Latifah, then appeared on stage to join in marriage 33 couples of numerous sexual permutations, thereby sealing the new religion’s Oneist creed: all religions and all sexualities are One—to the thunderous applause of the thousands present, and to the approbation of millions of television viewers.

The 2023 Grammy’s made a huge splash, while horrifying Christians with its blatant satanic imagery and pagan religious overtones. But this is not so new! As I sat to write an article about the 2023 event, I remembered my reaction to the 2014 Grammy Awards. I wrote the following account:
In 1971, Don McLean sang “Bye-bye, Miss American Pie,” and asked: “…do you have faith in God above, if the Bible tells you so, [or] do you believe in rock and roll, can music save your mortal soul?” Back then there were still options. Asking these two questions in a pop song made sense. No longer. We’ve come a long way, baby. The latest Grammy Awards (January 26, 2014) celebrating the liberating power of music, launched in prime time, with all the stunning technological Hollywood bells and whistles, as THE NEW AMERICAN RELIGION.
Way back in 1988, at the height of his career as a recognized journalist (having made big money ghost-writing Donald Trump’s biography, Art of the Deal), Tony Schwartz went on a journey to understand what was happening to the soul of America. In 1995 he published What Really Matters, an examination of the thought and practice of the leaders of the New Age Movement. He discovered a unique, made-in-America spirituality that joined Eastern and Western practice into “a new American wisdom tradition” that would save the world. On January 26, 2014, that spiritual tradition came out on network television in a resounding worship celebration of a new American religion.
Driven by the “faith” of the leading contemporary purveyors of hip-hop and rap, the moment was enthusiastically sanctioned by the prominently featured elder wise ones—in particular Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and Yoko Ono.
The religious service began with serious “worship,” led by Beyoncé—at 6 pm Pacific, 7pm Central and 8pm Eastern, while children are still watching. Of course, that’s all just fine, since President Obama praised Beyoncé as an important role model for children, including his own. Her outlandishly sexualized dance routine, in a revealing black thong bodysuit over fishnet tights, simulating all the moves belonging solely to the privacy of the marital bedroom, was an act of heterosexual public debauchery. Her hit song, “Drunk in Love” served as an introductory hymn that set the worship tone for the evening. “I’ve been drinking…I get filthy when that liquor gets into me…[I can’t bring myself to type all the words she sang]…Drunk in love.” Beyoncé proudly embraces her sexuality, draping herself in pseudo-ethical notions like “pride” and “self-affirmation,” giving the appearance of moral high-ground while groveling in the gutter.
The order of service continued with testimonies of deliverance. Ex-evangelical Katy Perry (famous for her song, “I Kissed a Girl and Liked It”) celebrated her apostasy, dressed up as a witch with a large red cross on her chest, and was symbolically “burned at the stake.” A sister in rebellion, Kacey Musgraves (who sang in church as a child) won the Country award with her ballad, “Follow Your Arrow.” The arrows were anti-Christian barbs at church-going and traditional ethics. Her song culminated in the exhortation to escape those old-time religion chains:
So make lots of noise, Kiss lots of boys,Or kiss lots of girls, if that’s something you’re into,When the straight and narrow gets a little too straight.
The three-hour service ended on an ecstatic, unholy high note. Macklemore and Ryan Lewis (Grammy for Best New Artist), began the finale with their hit song “Same Love,” which has become an anthem in the gay community. Its religious overtones are easy to see:
America the brave still fears what we don’t knowAnd “God loves all his children” is somehow forgotten.Whatever god you believe in, we come from the same one;Strip away the fear, underneath, it’s all the same love…About time that we raised up!
As if by magic, the stage morphed into a massive cathedral with imposing stained-glass windows and a marriage archway. High Priestesses “Material Girl” Madonna and pure “royalty,” Queen Latifah, then appeared on stage to join in marriage 33 couples of numerous sexual permutations, thereby sealing the new religion’s Oneist creed: all religions and all sexualities are One—to the thunderous applause of the thousands present, and to the approbation of millions of television viewers.
The vacuous marriage sacrament of the “Grammys religion” and its further trivialization as an entertainment stunt, only underlines the spiritually empty gospel that Tinsel Town and its beautiful people were pushing, unopposed, into the homes of people who pay these artists their inflated salaries. There is no competing message, no other opinion allowed from other artists, no apparent way for so many to hear the truth. This is a formula for cultural collapse.
Fast Forward to 2023
At the 2023 Grammys, the religious theme went even further in the promotion of Satanism. Two trans, non-binary, androgynous artists Sam Smith and Kim Petras performed a song entitled “Unholy,” worshiping Satan. Smith was dressed in bright red with horns, surrounded by half-dressed young women twerking him in a highly sexualized manner. All this worshiping of “Satan” was intended to make a non-binary appeal to children to worship Satan and themselves.1 Madonna was still part of the event and this satanic, sexual scene on live TV shows us how far popular culture is falling. It is strange indeed for Pfizer, one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, to sponsor this shocking event.
The Babylon Bee makes fun of the event. “In a rare public statement, the Prince of Darkness has distanced himself from last night’s Grammys performance by Sam Smith, which he denounced as “cringy” and “appalling”: “listen, folks, I enjoy demonic sexual perversion just as much as the next guy, but this is just too much,” said the frustrated Father of Lies. “I’m the god of this world! I appear as an angel of light! It’s supposed to be sneaky and subtle! Has Hollywood lost its ability to be subtle? What on earth happened to this town?” 2
But Satanism is not a joke. Such a way of thinking gives occasion to the most radical kind of conclusion. Maria Molzer, a colleague of Carl Jung, who “analyzed” members of some of America’s most wealthy families, (Rockefellers and McCormicks) boldly expresses Jung’s thinking on the conjuctio (joining): “I too think that God and the Devil are two manifestations of the same principle, and that one necessitates the other…We must learn to value the Devil again. The Christian religion expelled him. He asks for his rights again.”3 In the Jungian therapeutic world, Satan becomes your friend. As the esoteric poet, W.B.Yeats said: “Frater Demon est Deus Inversus” (brother Satan is the other side of God).4
Nine years after my original description of the event, the Grammys has gone farther in its rejection of God and its embrace of the very opponent of God, namely Satan. Of course Christians must make this plain, but my friend Thaddeus Williams shows us the right conclusion, as he directly addresses Kim and Sam, the two young non-binary singers who praised Satan in the Grammys this year. With this gladly I end my text, for the Gospel is God’s love of sinners.5
“Dear Kim, your rejection of religion hasn’t made you non-religious. You are still bowing, only to the finite creation rather than the infinite Creator. Let me be crystal clear for you and Sam: You are loved in a way that no sexual experience can grant. We absolutely want you to be a part of Jesus’s movement to bring healing and redemption to a fallen cosmos. We, like you, have made spectacles of our self-worship. But there is grace for us all. Jesus is infinitely more joyous and meaningful than all the world’s accolades and affirmation. He is where our deepest identity is found. Ever since Jesus’ death and resurrection everything changed. The system of self-glorification is on its way out. Please, don’t find yourself on the wrong side of the future. Don’t spend your career parroting the doomed dogmas of an ancient snake. Repent. Find eternal life in Jesus.”
Dr. Peter Jones is scholar in residence at Westminster Seminary California and associate pastor at New Life Presbyterian Church in Escondido, Calif. He is director of truthXchange, a communications center aimed at equipping the Christian community to recognize and effectively respond to the rise of paganism. Used with permission.

[1] See Thaddeus Williams,
[3] Noll, The Aryan Christ, 197.
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