Book Review: Pastors and Their Critics by Joel Beeke and Nick Thompson
Written by R. A. Miller |
Thursday, May 30, 2024
Pastors and Their Critics begins with a scriptural foundation, allowing the further comments by Beeke and Thompson to stand firm on previously expounded texts. Further concepts explored in this book include: how to receive and respond to pastoral criticism, constructive criticism, coping with criticism, and preparing for criticism while in seminary. These later chapters are a practical complement to the theological insight gained by the opening section and will prepare the faithful minister for future conflict.
Ministers may face many discouragements as they attempt to shepherd their congregations. Pastors might have to reconcile parties that are at odds with one another, wade through difficult doctrinal issues, or perform funerals of beloved members who die unexpectedly. While all these events can be discouraging for the man of God, one ministry problem is seldom discussed: criticism. Stinging words from congregants may anger or dishearten the preacher on the receiving end of such remarks and these comments have undoubtedly been used by Satan to rattle those who hear them. Proverbs 12:18 compares words spoken rashly to the thrusts of a sword, as they can pierce down to a man’s heart. With fault-finding being dangerous to those who guide the church, its leaders must be equipped and prepared to receive criticism.
Thankfully, Joel Beeke and Nick Thompson have written a helpful volume on this subject, released in 2020. This publication not only discusses the nature of criticism but also tells its readers how to give and receive criticism graciously. Acknowledging that this is a “largely unaddressed problem,” the authors aim to deal “comprehensively with the various dimensions of criticism in the Christian ministry from a biblical and Reformed perspective” (14). While those not in pastoral ministry may be initially disinterested in this offering, Beeke and Thompson note that “the main truths and principles found herein apply to every Christian and every vocation” (15). “None of us,” they argue, “are exempt from receiving and giving criticism” (15). Therefore, Pastors and Their Critics: A Guide to Coping with Criticism in the Ministry is a great aid for anyone seeking to learn more about handling and issuing reproof.
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