Redeeming Family

Do Women in the Church Really Know God?

Women are not inferior to men by Gods design. We have been made to have the knowledge and personal relationship with our God. As women, we need to get away from thinking we need women only books and Bible studies. Instead, lets realize that we are Gods children just as men as and should spend our time in theological study. 
I grew up in the church attending every Sunday service, Sunday school, vacation Bible school and confirmation classes. I loved God and thought I knew all there was to know about him, but I was wrong. Throughout my life, I have learned that I don’t know enough about God and I never will. Each stage of my life has taught me that there is so much more for me to learn. There were times when I was doing the bare minimum in my Christen life and thought I was fine. But looking back, I realized I did not prioritize God our Father and I was not growing in Christ. Over time, I have come to realize the importance of knowing God. The importance of spending time with Him, and the peace that comes from a personal dependence in God.
Growing up, I thought that Biblical study was for the men, the leaders in the church. I never thought there was a need for me to know more about God. I never felt a need to strive to grow closer to him. But boy was I wrong. Women should be taught about God. Not just the basics, but deep theology just like men. But what exactly is theology and why is it important for women to know? Theology is simply the study of God.
Why the Study of Theology is Necessary
The study of theology for all members of the household including men, women and children, is not just a side issue of the Christian faith but is a central necessity. Theology is the building block of our faith. How can we follow a God that we do not take the time to know? Our God has given us His infallible Word to study to learn more about him. Much like children need to be taught the alphabet and phonics before they can read on their own, we need to be taught theology. Once we have the basics of theology we can dive deeper into God’s word. God has called us to grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior. Our primary way to grow in our knowledge if we spend time studying him through the reading of his word, prayer and serving him.

If we do not know our God then how can we call ourselves Christians? Being a Christian is not meeting with God when its quiet, meditating in nature or singing songs. Being a Christian is about belief in Jesus Christ as our savior, being saved through faith and our relationship with God our father. Every other relationship in our lives will end. We will lose friendships, parents, spouses and children but we will never lose our relationship with God. You will spend eternity with Him if you are His child.

Think back to when you were first in a relationship with your spouse. If you’re anything like me, you wanted to spend all your time with that person. You talked on the phone, emailed, texted and hung out together as often as you possibly could. A relationship starts by getting to know the other person so you can learn to love them, enjoy them and serve them to your best ability. Our relationship with God is very similar. We need to spend time with him, getting to know him so we can love him, enjoy him and serve him better. When you have a personal relationship with God our father, you want to learn more about him. That is the study of Theology.

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