Ref Cast

The Importance of Holiness

Once you encounter the holiness of God, your life will never be the same. Today, R.C. Sproul begins his classic series on God’s holiness by addressing how important this divine attribute is for our understanding of who God is and who we are. Get R.C. Sproul’s ‘The Holiness of God’ Teaching Series DVD, Book, and Study Guide for Your Gift of Any Amount: Don’t forget to make your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources.

Unity in Diversity (Part 1 of 4)

Each of us comes from a unique background—and sometimes that causes conflict. But our differences shouldn’t create division within the church. Join us on Truth For Life as Alistair Begg explores the basis of unity within the body of Christ.


Coming to Grips with the God of the Old Testament 1

What are we to make of the God who is presented in Genesis and other Old Testament texts? According to popular atheists such as Richard Dawkins, this God is a judgmental, homophobic, racist, misogynistic, ethnic cleanser. So, is this an accurate representation of the God of Israel, or a completely distorted caricature? Shane Rosenthal discusses these and other important issues with Dr. Thomas J. Egger, professor of Exegetical Theology and President of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. __________ Sign up for our newsletter and receive our free digital download collection on Justification – __________ Get our collection, The Spirit of the Age: Challenging the Alternative Gospels of Our Time. Just go to __________ If you would like to lead a bible study or want a reliable resource to help you study the Bible on your own, consider using Core Bible Studies. Just head over to

Sunday School: Walking in the Way of Balaam (2 Peter 2:15-22)

Pastor Gabriel Hughes teaches his Sunday school class in 2 Peter 2:15-22 regarding the false teaching of Balaam and how many other false teachers go his way. Visit for all our videos!

Sunday School: Walking in the Way of Balaam (2 Peter 2:15-22)

Pastor Gabriel Hughes teaches his Sunday school class in 2 Peter 2:15-22 regarding the false teaching of Balaam and how many other false teachers go his way. Visit for all our videos!

Silencing the Voice of Doubt

Because Zacharias expressed doubt in God’s promise, he was rendered silent until the promise was fulfilled. Today, R.C. Sproul continues his series in the gospel of Luke to address the serious consequences of unbelief. Get R.C. Sproul’s Expositional Commentary on the Gospel of Luke for Your Gift of Any Amount: Don’t forget to make your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources.

Unity in Diversity (Part 1 of 4)

Each of us comes from a unique background—and sometimes that causes conflict. But our differences shouldn’t create division within the church. Join us on Truth For Life as Alistair Begg explores the basis of unity within the body of Christ.


Wallpaper: Find Significance

“In the unfolding plan of what God is doing in the totality of His kingdom, individuals find significance.” — Alistair Begg

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The Inner Struggle

In Romans 7:24, the Apostle Paul declares: “Wretched man that I am! Who will save me from this body of death?” Is Paul describing his experience as a Christian? Today, R.C. Sproul addresses how this passage speaks to our struggle with sin. Get R.C. Sproul’s ‘The Hard Sayings of the Apostles Digital Download for Your Gift of Any Amount: Don’t forget to make your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources.

Chasing Rabbits

On this episode of Polemics Report for August 13th, 2021, JD discusses NAMB admitting to planting churches with women preachers and David and JD chase the rabbit of David pulling his kids out of their public school. In the Patron portion, we dissect Beth Moore’s latest idiotic Tweet thread and dig into Patron questions.

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