Ref Cast

Controversy Is Essential — and Deadly

Controversy is essential — and deadly. Slowly, we can begin to care more about defending the truth than enjoying the truth.

Radiant with Hope

Whether in the midst of a global pandemic or a personal crisis, where can we find refuge and hope? The world may offer short-term solutions, but only one person provides hope that lasts forever. Find out who that is on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.


From Doctrine to Doxology

WHI Classic • How should we respond to the announcement of God’s redemptive mission to seek and save the lost, or to the doctrinal implications of Christ’s atoning death and his resurrection from the dead? On this program, the hosts will move from the drama and the doctrine to a discussion of doxology, or worship. What is the appropriate response to the good news of the gospel, and what patterns of living should flow out of an understanding of God’s grace in Christ? As with doctrine, we cannot escape worship. The question is to whom or to what we will be devoted (originally aired 01-29-17). __________ Get our collection, The Spirit of the Age: Challenging the Alternative Gospels of Our Time. Just go to __________ Become a partner and you will receive all of the White Horse Inn extended episodes, access to our extensive archive as well as a subscription to our magazine, Modern Reformation. Head over to

WWUTT 1493 Purge the Evil Person From Among You (1 Corinthians 5:12-13)

Reading 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 where Paul urges the church to remove the wicked man from among them who had committed sexually immorality. Visit for all our videos!

WWUTT 1493 Purge the Evil Person From Among You (1 Corinthians 5:12-13)

Reading 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 where Paul urges the church to remove the wicked man from among them who had committed sexually immorality. Visit for all our videos!

Hymn: “I Am His, and He Is Mine” by George W. Robinson

Loved with everlasting love,Led by grace that love to know;Gracious Spirit from above,Thou hast taught me it is so!O, this full and perfect peace!O, this transport all divine!In a love which cannot cease,I am His, and He is mine.In a love which cannot cease,I am His, and He is mine.

Download (Free) – “Encore: A Collection of Listener Favorites”

Each year Truth For Life produces a series of listener favorites. The messages are on a wide range of topics such as marriage, trials, and attributes of God.

Who Does God Say Jesus Is?

Some people think of Jesus as a prophet or a good teacher. But God has sovereignly declared what we should think of His Son. Today, R.C. Sproul unfolds the cosmic significance of the title given to Jesus by the Father: Lord of lords. Thank You For Supporting the Global Outreach of Renewing Your Mind and Ligonier Ministries: Don’t forget to make your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources.

Wise Partnerships in an Uncertain Environment

As many of you know we recently launched a new “app” for the ministry. As a part of that process it was important for us to make wise decisions regarding who we would partner with to make it happen. We chose a company called Subsplash and have been very impressed with them as we continue to improve and expand these new tools.As many of you already know PayPal has recently announced that it has joined with ADL in order to root out groups that it considers undesirable. If you have read their announcement then you know that I am being generous in my description. Having watched the transformation of the ADL for decades I have seen what kind of groups they consider to be “undesirable” these days. While I don’t believe that used to be the case, I can clearly see how it is now and that it is a matter of time before they put this organization in their crosshairs.After a number of discussions within Alpha and Omega I have decided to move our credit and debit card processing away from PayPal and over to Subsplash. Their technology is top notch and their support teams are too. Moreover, the app already has a donation platform built into it so giving can now be done through that method as well. In addition to the concern over PayPal’s partnerships, Subsplash also has lower processing fees so your support of this Ministry will go even further. Of course they also offer the web based tool that can be found on our donations page and all of these processes meet or exceed current industry standards of security and privacy.If you are a current repeating credit or debit card donor to Alpha and Omega we will be reaching out to you soon to assist you in moving your donations over to SubSplash. Since no credit card data is ever stored or collected on our website or in our offices we will need your assistance to accomplish this. If you already use our preferred method of donating via Online Banking you don’t need to do anything.We so appreciate your support of this work.Blessings,Rich PiercePresidentAlpha and Omega Ministries

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