Rich Pierce

Live Feed Link to White/Horn Purgatory Debate

Calvinist James White and Roman Catholic Trent Horn will debate the doctrine of Purgatory. At the start of the Reformation, the question of Purgatory was front and center. After all, it was an indulgence that helped one escape Purgatory to which Martin Luther objected in the 95 Theses. Protestants argue that the finished work of Christ on the cross is sufficient for salvation. Roman Catholics argue that without a purging of sin, one cannot enter into the presence of God. Who is right?
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Live Feed Link to White/Horn Sola Scriptura Debate

Calvinist James White and Roman Catholic Trent Horn will debate the “formal principle” of the Reformation, sola scriptura, or Scripture Alone. From Luther on, Protestants have argued that the Bible is the only “God-breathed” revelation that can provide sufficient knowledge of God and His salvation. Roman Catholics argue that the Tradition is equally valid and important as a source. The disagreement on sources has led to a host of other disagreements. Who is right? Both speakers are the top apologists in their fields, so this debate promises to be both interesting and important.
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The Dividing Line will be LIVE at 12:00pm EST

Had a most enjoyable time on the program today reviewing various elements of the presentations made by Steve Gregg in support of synergism over against monergism. I trust I was fair, yet firm, and that the clips I played were of sufficient length to accurately portray Gregg’s position on the topics addressed. I only got to John 6:37, and will

The Dividing Line will be LIVE at 5:30pm EST

It had been a long time since we did a Radio Free Geneva, so today a proper video crossed my path as I was heading in to the studios, so we went with it. We played, and responded to, this video from “Grace, Mercy, Wrath,” and somehow managed to do it in only an hour! Enjoy!

The Dividing Line will be LIVE at 4:30pm EST

Since pastor Waite no longer seems open to direct dialogue, yet has discussed about Dr. White on this recent radio broadcast, Dr. White gives a live response to the words of that King James Onlyist, highlighting misrepresentation, misunderstanding, and circular reasoning on pastor Waite’s part. Caller asks how a layman can deal with translation issues without knowing Biblical languages.

The Dividing Line will be LIVE at 3:00pm EST

Today we pressed on listening to Robert Sungenis illustrate “sola ecclesia” to the nth degree. You will note I mentioned waiting for the FedEx van to show up. Well, it did, just a few minutes after the program. It brought me a package that I knew was coming, but, I did not know, for certain anyway, what it contained. Some

Radio Free Geneva will be LIVE at 6:00pm EDT

Over the weekend Walid and Theodore Shoebat posted a number of items aimed my direction, and though most of what (especially) Walid produced is simply irrelevant (or too childish to respond to), it did provide a basis for a discussion of the centrality of the gospel, the nature of the gospel, and related issues, especially as they have to do

Road Trip DL from Baton Rouge

Covered the vast wide countryside of theology and apologetics today, including a review of the Free Speech Apocalypse movie (and some non-spoiler comments about The Martian!), a brief listen to one of the candidates for the Kentucky Baptist Convention presidency, one of the audience questions from the recent atheist debate, and finally, after a bit more wandering about, nearly an

40 years of God’s Provision and Grace

Advertising?  Me?  Well, sorta, I guess.  But here’s the reason:  I get lots and lots and lots of folks asking me, especially on social media, to function as an online bibliography production device.  I just don’t carry that kind of info around with me.  Sometimes I can help, but most of the time I cannot stop and do the research

Livestream Debate: Is “Gay Christian” a Biblically Acceptable Identity for Members of Christ’s Church?

Wow, what a mix!  Lots of material at the start on true biblical justice, avoiding mobs, how intersectionality eats its own (Martina Navratilova), and the use of the “crisis” to get things done now, even if what you are really doing is just pushing forward your ultimate agenda. Then we took calls on various topics, and then at the end of

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