Richard Lints

How Does God’s Forgiveness Free Us from Idols?

In a fallen world, we will never rid ourselves completely from the threat of and allure of idols. But the gospel has the power to free us to live from security and stability.

Why Are Relationships Thin in the Digital Age?

Social media allows us to connect with high numbers of people, but often those relationships remain thin. For security in our identity, we need depth, not just breadth.

Has My Phone Become My Idol? Three Diagnostic Questions

How do I know if my smartphone plays too prominent a role in my life? Dr. Richard Lints offers pointed questions to help you diagnose your screen time habits.

Why Are Control Freaks Prone to Idols?

We all desire control. But when we realize that we are far from having any real control over our lives, we look for something we can easily manipulate — like a smartphone.

Why We Never Find Our Identity Inside of Ourselves

In an individualistic era, we like to think that we can just be who we are. But in fact, we are only who we are in relation to others — and most especially in relationship to God himself.

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