Robby Lashua

Follow the Truth, Not Your Heart

The Christian worldview teaches that the heart is deceitfully wicked and that transformation happens when our minds are conformed to the truth. According to the New Age worldview, the mind is a trickster, so we should follow our hearts. This is a complete inversion of the truth. The New Age teaches the opposite of Christianity on this. Our students saw the absurdity of this view and exposed it by asking good questions.

“You probably should kill yourself.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. An adult woman encouraging a teenage girl to commit suicide? What would possess someone to suggest such a horrible act? One word: worldview.
Last month, I led a group of sixty high school students on a New Age worldview mission trip to northern Arizona. The students had completed fourteen weeks of training in worldview and apologetics. They were ready, equipped to converse with others about Christianity and truth.
Part of the trip involved having a shaman, a New Age clairvoyant, and an atheist present their beliefs to the students, with the students asking questions afterwards.
Both the shaman and the New Age clairvoyant shared a shocking core belief. The human mind is a trickster, they said, and can’t be trusted. Our minds overthink things, which only leads to trouble. Instead, always follow your heart. “If your heart is telling you to do something, do it,” the clairvoyant said. “Don’t even think about it.”
“Follow your heart” was the instruction we repeatedly heard from our New Age friends, but it’s the complete opposite of what Scripture teaches. Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; who can understand it?” Jesus himself had this to say about the evil of the human heart.
For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the evil thoughts, fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries, deeds of coveting and wickedness, as well as deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride and foolishness. All these evil things proceed from within and defile the man. (Mark 7:21–23)
According to Scripture, human beings are broken because of sin, and our evil desires, inclinations, and appetites must be restrained.
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How to Show Mormon Missionaries That the Bible Contradicts Their Gospel

Even if an angel from Heaven brought the Mormon gospel, Paul warns us not to believe it. At this point, gently ask them if they know the gospel Paul preached. If they don’t, share the true gospel of salvation—Ephesians 2:8-9.

I want to make a promise to you. After reading this, you’ll be prepared to show Mormon missionaries that the Bible disagrees with Joseph Smith and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also known as the LDS Church or Mormonism).
Before we get to this simple witnessing technique, there are two things you need to understand about Mormonism.
First, Mormons have four books they consider scripture: the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, and the King James Bible. These books aren’t equally authoritative to Mormons, though. The Bible is considered the least important of the four. Here’s why.
In Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith lists thirteen articles of faith. The eighth article says, “We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly.” In Joseph Smith’s opinion, though, much of the Bible was lost or corrupted in translation after the death of the apostles.
Because of this alleged corruption, Mormons give priority to reading the “more important” Mormon holy books, which means they often aren’t familiar with what the Bible says. Despite their belief that the Bible has the least authority, Mormons still respect the Bible and will take seriously the verses you show them.
Second, Mormons mean two different things when they use the word “salvation.” In Doctrines of Salvation, Joseph Fielding Smith, the tenth LDS president, said, “Salvation is twofold: General—that which comes to all men irrespective of a belief (in this life) in Christ—and, Individual—that which man merits through his own acts through life and by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel” (emphasis added).
Notice, general salvation isn’t based on any particular belief. The LDS Church teaches that all human beings are saved and will enter one of the three levels of Heaven. This benefit was secured for all mankind by Jesus’ death on the cross. Belief or faith in Jesus is not needed for general salvation.
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A New Testament Passage That’s Older than the New Testament

This ancient creed, however, shows us what the very first Christians believed about Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection, and post-resurrection appearances. The Christian creed in 1 Corinthians 15:3–7 obliterates the “Jesus as legend” challenge. From the inception of the church, the earliest believers confessed Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection, and post-resurrection appearances. There was no time for legendary development.

The Christian church is older than its New Testament books. This shouldn’t surprise us since the New Testament was written by people who were a part of the first-century church. The events recorded in the Gospels are older than the text of the Gospels. Again, nothing unusual here.
What if I told you, though, that in the New Testament there are passages that are older than the New Testament? Obviously, Old Testament passages quoted in the New Testament precede it, but that’s not what I’m referring to.
Within the New Testament books are early Christian creeds that predate the books themselves. These creeds show us what the earliest Christians believed and which doctrines existed from the inception of the church.
Let’s look at one of these creeds and see why scholars are convinced it predates the book it’s quoted in.
For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. After that He appeared to more than five hundred brethren at one time, most of whom remain until now, but some have fallen asleep; then He appeared to James, then to all the apostles. (1 Corinthians 15:3–7)
There are many reasons to believe this passage isn’t something Paul was writing for the first time to the Corinthian church.
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Don’t Let Potential Negative Outcomes Keep You from Sharing Truth with Compassion

We are called to be ambassadors for Christ, which includes modeling how he expressed truth and compassion. Some people will respond to the evidence we present; others won’t. We still share, we still love, and we still defend.

I’d been preparing my argument for six months, and now it was time to deliver. I was precise, winsome, and articulate. Honestly, my delivery couldn’t have gone better. The conversation went back and forth as I continued to make point after point. My opponent had no ground to stand on, and I had tactically and tactfully shown him just that. To my surprise, he still did not want to change his mind. How could this happen? I had done everything right.
There are times when we are prepared, respectful, and gentle with our apologetic approach, yet it still doesn’t convince or convert. Although the goal of every conversation is to put a stone in someone’s shoe—to leave that person with something to think about—it would be nice if our well-executed arguments were received and believed.
When we face this common problem, it’s comforting to know that Jesus himself encountered the same thing.
In John 5 and 9, there’s a contrast between the two different men Jesus heals. These two men respond to Jesus in opposite ways.
The first man (John 5:1–18) had been sick for thirty-eight years and was completely helpless. He couldn’t move quickly and had no one to help him with his ailments. Jesus asks him, “Do you wish to get well?” The man replies that he doesn’t have anyone to help him into the pool of Bethesda, which he believes has healing powers. Jesus then says, “Get up, pick up your pallet and walk.” The man is miraculously healed and obeys what Jesus said.
This is great. The miracle shows that Jesus is the healer, not the “magical” water. Jesus does the work, not the quickest person into the pool. Jesus expresses compassion and love toward the helpless. He reveals the truth about who God is to this man. You would think Jesus’ method of communicating and evidencing the truth would compel this man to believe in him. Sadly, no.
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Did You Miss Something in the Isaiah 7:14 Prophecy?

The true author of Scripture, not only can accurately predict future events but is also sovereign over the development of language. God knew Isaiah 7:14 would be further fulfilled by Jesus’ birth to a virgin, even though the original sign wasn’t about a virgin, but a young woman giving birth to a son and naming him Immanuel.

Have you ever thought you were so familiar with something, only to find out later you’d been overlooking some important details? This happens to me with songs, books, and movies. I hear, read, or see them so many times, only to be amazed when, out of the blue, I notice something in them I didn’t see before. Sometimes this happens to us with familiar Bible passages too.
Here’s the familiar: Jesus was born of a virgin, and Isaiah 7:14 prophesied about it. Nothing shocking yet. But let’s look at the details surrounding Isaiah’s statement about the virgin birth.
King Ahaz of Judah was having a bad day. Ephraim and Syria were attacking Jerusalem and trying to overthrow the king. So, God sends Isaiah to King Ahaz to tell him these attackers won’t be successful but will be destroyed. Then God tells Ahaz to ask for a sign, but Ahaz refuses. God gives him one anyway. Here it is: “Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel” (Isa. 7:14).
Wait a second. How is the prophecy about Jesus being born of a virgin a sign for Ahaz? Jesus won’t be born for another 700 years. Let’s keep reading.
He will eat curds and honey at the time He knows enough to refuse evil and choose good. For before the boy will know enough to refuse evil and choose good, the land whose two kings you dread will be forsaken. (Isa. 7:15–16)
These verses explain the sign God is giving Ahaz. A baby named Immanuel will be born, and before the kid is very old, the kings attacking Ahaz will be gone. This was fulfilled in Ahaz’s day, and the little boy named Immanuel was an ongoing sign that God delivered Ahaz and Judah. We find in the very next chapter of Isaiah that Immanuel was living during Ahaz’s reign (Isa. 8:8).
The main point of this sign in Isaiah is that a child would shortly be born.
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Don’t Let Potential Negative Outcomes Keep You From Sharing Truth with Compassion

We are called to be ambassadors for Christ, which includes modeling how he expressed truth and compassion. Some people will respond to the evidence we present; others won’t. We still share, we still love, and we still defend. Don’t let potential negative outcomes keep you from sharing the truth with compassion. Be like Jesus.

I’d been preparing my argument for six months, and now it was time to deliver. I was precise, winsome, and articulate. Honestly, my delivery couldn’t have gone better. The conversation went back and forth as I continued to make point after point. My opponent had no ground to stand on, and I had tactically and tactfully shown him just that. To my surprise, he still did not want to change his mind. How could this happen? I had done everything right.
There are times when we are prepared, respectful, and gentle with our apologetic approach, yet it still doesn’t convince or convert. Although the goal of every conversation is to put a stone in someone’s shoe—to leave that person with something to think about—it would be nice if our well-executed arguments were received and believed.
When we face this common problem, it’s comforting to know that Jesus himself encountered the same thing.
In John 5 and 9, there’s a contrast between the two different men Jesus heals. These two men respond to Jesus in opposite ways.
The first man (John 5:1–18) had been sick for thirty-eight years and was completely helpless. He couldn’t move quickly and had no one to help him with his ailments. Jesus asks him, “Do you wish to get well?” The man replies that he doesn’t have anyone to help him into the pool of Bethesda, which he believes has healing powers. Jesus then says, “Get up, pick up your pallet and walk.” The man is miraculously healed and obeys what Jesus said.
This is great. The miracle shows that Jesus is the healer, not the “magical” water. Jesus does the work, not the quickest person into the pool. Jesus expresses compassion and love toward the helpless. He reveals the truth about who God is to this man. You would think Jesus’ method of communicating and evidencing the truth would compel this man to believe in him. Sadly, no.
After being healed, the man is peppered with questions from his fellow Jews.
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Quarantine Is Not a Good Option

You will have plenty of opportunities to inoculate your children from the evil they’ll encounter. Be intentional. Point out the dangers and why they’re enticing. Warn about the consequences of sin, and lead your children toward the righteous path. Be a wise parent and intentionally inoculate your children. Quarantine is not a good option.

Recently, Target stores partnered with a transgender designer, who has used Satanist imagery in the past, to create LGBTQ+ designs for a few of their Pride Month items. That’s a sentence I never thought I would write, but here we are, and Pride Month is just beginning.
Drag queen story hours at libraries, cartoons celebrating same-sex marriage, and, most recently, children’s swimsuits constructed for “tucking” male genitalia so the wearer can appear to be female. The constant attempt to indoctrinate children with LGBTQ+ ideology keeps coming, and it isn’t going to stop.
So, what do we do? As tempting as it might be, don’t move your family to a plot of land without internet, electricity, and running water. I’m suggesting that instead of being overwhelmed, we intentionally inoculate our children. Let me explain.
I have seen two primary parenting approaches when it comes to raising Christian children. The first is the quarantine approach. These parents try to keep evil from reaching their children. They attempt to protect and insulate their children by keeping all evil influences from infiltrating their children’s lives. This approach typically fails for two reasons.
First, it’s impossible to successfully keep all evil away from your children because your children are sinners and commit evil deeds. Sorry to be harsh, but it’s biblical.
Second, when children are eventually exposed to all of the things they were insulated from, it’s overwhelming, and they don’t know how to cope with it.
The better parenting approach is inoculation. Stand to Reason has taught this principle for many years, and I have found it helpful in training my children to follow Jesus. Instead of trying to quarantine our children from the evil in the world, we need to inoculate them from it.
Medical inoculations expose a person to a small dose of a harmful virus so their body can build up a resistance to it.
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Polygamy in the Bible is Not Prescriptive

How should we view the patriarchs of the Old Testament who practiced polygamy? First, we must recognize that polygamy is described as something they practiced but never as something God prescribed. We should view these men as they are described, flawed human beings, who sinned immensely, that God still loved and worked through. This should encourage us because we all are sinners. I’m glad God works with flawed people like you and me, but make no mistake, polygamy is not and has never been intended by God.

I recently wrote an article responding to polyamorists’ claim that “love is not a finite resource.” This got me thinking about possible objections to what I wrote. Some might ask, “If human love is a finite resource, then why did the Old Testament patriarchs have so many wives and concubines?” This is a fair question that all Christians need to be able to respond to.
The ugly truth is that many of the heroes in the Old Testament were polygamists. Jacob had two wives and Esau had three. King David, the man after God’s own heart, had at least eight wives. Solomon, not to be outdone, had a staggering seven hundred wives (1 Kings 11:3).
These examples from Scripture are perplexing because God used these men to do great things for his name and his people. Would God use men who were living in sexually sinful lifestyles to fulfill his purposes? Was polygamy permissible for these patriarchs, and if it was, is it permissible for us?
To answer these questions, we need to determine one thing. Are these passages about polygamy prescriptive or descriptive? Are they prescribing how we are supposed to live, or are they describing events from the past?
Many passages in Scripture describe events God doesn’t condone. Lot’s daughters getting him drunk and having sex with him comes to mind (Gen. 19:32–36). But many passages of Scripture prescribe how we are to live as followers of God, such as when Jesus prescribes loving God with all of our heart, soul, and mind (Matt. 22:37).
Is polygamy prescriptive? The short answer is no. Here’s why. God never commands or condones polygamy in Scripture. The opposite is true.
The first mention of polygamy in Scripture says, “Lamech took to himself two wives” (Gen. 4:19). We are then told that Lamech, a descendant of Cain, boasted to his wives about murdering a boy (Gen. 4:23).
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“Love Is Not a Finite Resource”?

Beware of attempts to normalize sexual promiscuity that elevate human capacities to the level of deity. Watch out for linguistic sleights of hand that smuggle in destructive ideas through virtuous terms. 
Slogans are the battle cry of the LGBTQ+ movement. Banners and flags, hoisted high, proudly proclaim these all-too-familiar statements: “Love is love,” “Born this way,” “Be proud, be visible.” All of these slogans are benign when taken at face value, yet we know that more complicated ideas are being expressed through these pithy statements. In a culture that advances agendas through memes, tweets, and slogans, we must be prepared to confront these false ideas.
There’s a new slogan coming from the LGBTQ+ community that requires clear thinking on our part. This slogan, like its predecessors, is a half-truth. Here it is: “Love is not a finite resource.”
What is the meaning behind this phrase? A Facebook post and a meme will help clarify. The Facebook post says, “Love is not a finite resource, #polyamorypride.” The popular meme says, “I wish people would realize that love is not a finite resource. Just because you love multiple people, doesn’t necessarily mean you love any one of them less.” I agree humans are capable of loving multiple people, but the post and the meme are expressing something more.
Polyamory involves being in romantic, sexual relationships with multiple partners at the same time. It is quite literally non-monogamy. The message this new slogan is promoting is actually, “Sex is not a finite resource.” This philosophy has multiple problems. We need to think clearly and be prepared to respond to this polyamorous catchphrase.
First, let’s recognize the linguistic sleight of hand going on here. Using the word “love” to imply “sex” is deceptive, and here’s why. Sex and love aren’t synonyms. I love my wife, my kids, my mom, and my friends. However, most of the people I love are also people I don’t have a sexual relationship with. Actually, all of the people I love are people I’m not involved with sexually, except for one. Sex and love aren’t synonymous terms.
These types of linguistic tricks are often used to smuggle in destructive ideas. For instance, the belief that women ought to be able to legally choose to kill their unborn child is advertised as “pro-choice.” Choosing to give in to deviant sexual desires is championed as “brave” and something to take pride in. Advancing sinful actions by using virtuous terminology is deceptive. Don’t fall for it.
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We Can Know Who Jesus is by Observing What He Did

Jesus is described as the Word, who is God. “All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being” (John 1:3). When asked for evidence of his identity, Jesus—the creator of space, time, matter, and the spiritual realm—performed miracles showing his power over space, time, matter, and the spiritual realm.

“Can I see some ID?” We get this question a lot. We all have many kinds of ID that verify who we are by our eye color, height, weight, where we were born, where we live, and our family of origin. Verifying a human’s identity is simple if you have the right documents, but how would God verify his identity to humans?
Jesus has something to say about this: “The works which the Father has given Me to accomplish—the very works that I do—testify about Me, that the Father has sent Me” (John 5:36).
Jesus claims that the works he does, the signs and wonders, verify his identity. But how do they do this?
To understand what the miracles performed by Jesus prove about his identity, we need to look at the types of miracles he performed.
The God described in the Scriptures is said to be omnipresent. This big theological term simply means that God is cognitively aware of all things in his creation. Basically, nothing happens that God doesn’t know about because he isn’t limited by geographical space. Jesus performed miracles showing he was aware of things happening away from his physical presence.
In John 1:47–49, Nathaniel comes to meet Jesus, and Jesus says Nathaniel is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit. Perplexed, Nathaniel asks how Jesus knows this, and Jesus replies, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.” This statement shocks Nathaniel, to which he replies, “Rabbi, You are the Son of God; You are the King of Israel.” Nathaniel was amazed at Jesus’ knowledge of his character and whereabouts because Jesus wasn’t physically present at the fig tree.
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