January 2024 BCO Amendments Update
Overture 23 (Item 2) on officers conforming to the biblical requirement for chastity has received the necessary 2/3 approval and WILL be considered for final formal ratification at the 51st General Assembly. With the hopeful ratification of this amendment, the PCA shall close the door on the Revoice Movement or so-called Side-B Christianity. Of the 64 presbyteries, 63 have affirmed this amendment and only 1 has rejected it. The raw tally for this item is 2336-181 (93%-7%).
Since the fall (see my November update), around 24 presbyteries have taken up the three proposed Book of Church Order (BCO) amendments sent from the 50th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) to the regional presbyteries. According to my records, 64 presbyteries have taken up the amendments. While these results are corroborated by actual data, they are nonetheless unofficial in nature. For official pronouncements, I defer to byFaith and the Stated Clerk’s Office, which will likely release official communications sometime before the 51st General Assembly.[1] For more information on these results, check out the 2023 BCO Amendment Tracker. As a general reminder, for an amendment to be ratified in our Book of Church Order, there is a three-step process:
The General Assembly must approve it by a simple majority.
Then it must pass 2/3 (currently 59 presbyteries) of the PCA’s 88 presbyteries by a simple majority.
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