Theocast - Reformed Theology

Gutting the Scripture of Its Power

Many Christians today feel absolutely drained and powerless. They have tried every solution under the sun to overcome their sin, grow in …

Is God Guilty of Genocide?

People often look at the commands of God in the Old Testament and think, “How can this be a loving God?” Even …

Gospel-Lite and Law-Heavy Living

Does the Christian life ever feel like you’re sitting on a bicycle, pedaling as hard as you possibly can, but not going …

The Church, Binding & Loosing

The church is much more than a physical gathering of people. There is real spiritual power when believers come together for worship …

Prayer as Spiritual Warfare?

Christians often examine their “prayer lives,” wondering if they are praying correctly, praying enough, or if their prayers are effective at all. …

Living by Faith Isn’t Easy

Over the years, Jon and Justin have sought to defend the gospel message: that we are saved by Jesus Christ through faith …

The Lord’s Table as Spiritual Warfare?

Many Christians are confused about the sacrament of the Lord’s Table, also known as communion. Some say that it is merely a …

How Do We Know God Is Pleased With Us?

Many Christians often struggle with a significant question: How does God truly feel about me? We are aware of the sins we …

Spiritual Power in Baptism?

Baptism is more than just a tradition or historical practice, the sacrament contains very real spiritual power and reality! When Christians participate …

Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering?

If God is both sovereign and good, why does He allow evil and suffering in the world? These are questions we often …

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