00:08:48 Dani Bosman Taking Territory
00:19:36 Ryan LeStrange Full April Word & Oily Anointing
00:49:18 Joel Osteen & David Crank Your Words Create Your Future
01:11:26 Sermon Review: A Day In the Life by Jason Miller
00:08:48 Dani Bosman Taking Territory
00:19:36 Ryan LeStrange Full April Word & Oily Anointing
00:49:18 Joel Osteen & David Crank Your Words Create Your Future
01:11:26 Sermon Review: A Day In the Life by Jason Miller
The Commands Against Coveting – Part 2
Details on how to get your limited edition PCR Christmas Bulb to help us make budget.
00:07:47 Nate Johnston Invitiation into Your Suddenly
00:20:09 Cindy Trimm Walking Out Your Destiny
00:42:06 Greater Purpose Church Jesus Was Killed by White Supremacists
00:56:54 Brandon Robertson Spews Pomo Buzz Phrases
01:05:27 Sermon Review: Tech Wise Culture by Stacie Wood