“God’s word is a glorious gift. Our Father has given it to us in order that we might know His Son and that we might live in the power of His Spirit, in obedience to His truth.”
With these words, Alistair Begg introduces his newest book, Truth For Life: 365 Daily Devotions. This one-year devotional covers a vast array of topics and provides biblically sound guidance on select texts from dozens of books in the Bible.
Each daily reading begins with a verse or short passage of Scripture. Then, in a brief commentary, Alistair expounds on the passage and reflects on how God’s Word inspires and equips us to enjoy Christian living.
At the bottom of each day’s devotion are three icons to prompt you to personally apply the message and consider what God’s Spirit may be saying about your thinking, affections, and behavior. You’re encouraged to ask yourself three questions:
- How is God calling me to think differently?
- How is God reordering my heart’s affections—what I love?
- What is God calling me to do as I go about my day today?
A succinct, single page of daily reading makes the book perfect for private or family Bible study and God-focused discussion, for both new and established believers.
If you want to dig deeper into the day’s topic, an additional Bible passage is also listed at the end of each day’s commentary. Simply turn to that passage and enjoy additional time meditating on God’s Word.
Alistair often encourages us to read through the entire Bible in a year. It’s a practice he’s found profitable in his own life and highly recommends to others. So to help you do just that, he’s also included a Bible reading plan at the foot of each page. By including those passages in your daily devotions, in a year’s time you will have read through all of Scripture—in addition to completing the Truth For Life devotional!
Put a copy of Truth For Life: 365 Daily Devotions in the hands of everyone you love, and spend the next year mining the treasures of God’s Word together.