Alpha & Omega Ministries

Developments in the US, Some Tweets I Forgot Tuesday

James White, February 6, 2025February 6, 2025, Christian Worldview, General Apologetics, Misc, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Reformed Apologetics, The Dividing Line, Uncategorized Caught a few of the amazing stories coming out about how the left has used the US treasury as their own private slush fund, then moved on to a couple of tweets I forgot to cover Tuesday, one from Stephen Wolfe about a biblical theology of climate change, the other from Eric Conn about my desperation and irrelevance. Also covered some of the upcoming stops, and debates, on the next trip (which begins in about ten days).
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That Weird Pointy Hat Procession, then, Stephen Wolfe’s Smarter Worldview

What is a Mega Radio Free Geneva? It’s one that lasts for two hours! Yes indeed, three to five PM this afternoon. Why such a long RFG? Well, when you read a book endorsed by Paige Patterson, George Bryson, C. Gordon Olson, Tim LaHaye, Earl Radmacher, and Jerry Vines (there had been an endorsement earlier by that shining example of

Stone Choir Cult Attacks Plus More

James White, January 27, 2025January 27, 2025, Church History, Eastern Orthodoxy, Ken Wilson, Misc, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Provisionism, Racialism, Textual Issues, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters Went a full 90 minutes today starting with Corey Mahler and the Stone Choir Cult’s attack on my last evening, followed up by Mahler’s amazing promotion of Marcion’s gnosticism. I used his false statements about the name Yahweh to go into church history and trace the damage that was done by the loss of the knowledge of Hebrew and how this impacted the development of sub- and anti-biblical traditions. We also looked at a claim by Leighton Flowers about church history (always entertaining), a sola scriptura meme, and a brief inquiry as to whether JD Hall’s elders know he is back to doing what destroyed him, his church, and his ministry, only two years ago.
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The Post War Consensus then Gold from the Prophet Jeremiah

For nearly two hours Pastor Jeff Durbin and I discussed ReformCon, beer tasting at the Boulders, Christian News, Marcus Pittman, a Thursday night tattoo session, JD Hall, holiness, sanctification, Christian freedom, and the role Internet polemics plays in creating simple falsehoods and controversies over fictional events.  I had a few clips I did not get to, as it went longer

How Denominations Die, How Movements Crash and Burn

Wow, well, what do you do when you start the program and your microphone doesn’t work? Well, in the radio world, you panic, and play music, and run commercials, and stuff like that. When you are doing a webcast you go, “Woops, folks, hold on, let’s try this again.” And then you play around with your connections, discover that the

The Andrew Tate Saga Isn’t That Tough, Then, the Alleged Seventh Ecumenical Council (787)

   Well, that sorta depends on your view of truth, it seems. The Catholic Answers thread, started by Colliric, containing the accusations of one “Guardian,” has been closed down. No interaction with my replies was posted, as far as I could see. Nothing new there, of course. I have invited Guardian to call and substantiate his many accusations. Most in the

A MishMash of Topics Today!

Started off announcing tomorrow’s show with Jeff Durbin, and playing a few clips reminding folks that yes, in fact, the “meme” over the past few weeks has in fact been, “Hey, those Apologia guys held a beer and tattoo fund raiser, and that’s foolishness.”  Then I moved over to the David Wood response to Seth Dunn regarding Nabeel Qureshi.  I

Wes Huff on Rogan, Sufficiency of Scripture, Some Calvin Robinson

Went mega-length today as we played portions from the debate just a few days ago in Houston featuring, on “team Calvin,” Dr. Sonny Hernandez and Dr. Theodore Zachariades, and on team, well, uh…Team Free Will, perhaps, anyway, Dr. Leighton Flowers and Dr. Johnathan Pritchett.  Had only heard about it because Pulpit and Pen, in wildly rejoicing in the food fight

Debating 101

Had so much positive feedback on Twitter when I mentioned possibly doing a program where I just go over debate prep, tools, rules, practice, etc., just had to do it! I didn’t expect it to go nearly two hours, but I guess I should have! Hope you enjoy it!
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A Blast from the Past, Marian Devotion, the Book of Abraham

James White, January 2, 2025January 2, 2025, Debate, Mormonism, Personal, Resources, Roman Catholicism, Technology, The Dividing Line A listener sent in the printed schedule of my events from my trip to New York in April of 1998, which I read through as evidence of the fact that Chris Arnzen tried to kill me back then! After a bit of that we looked at some Marian devotion issues relating to the gospel, and then focused in on the Book of Abraham in the LDS Scriptures.
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