Alpha & Omega Ministries

The Emptiness of Secularist Jurists Demonstrated; Twitter Bookmarks

Dr. White is human. To those of us who know and love him, this is no surprise. We realize that he is a man, just like us, and that consequently he makes mistakes. As Alexander Pope said, “To err is human, to forgive divine.” Dr. White is human and he, from time to time, errs. Recently a lay apologist for

Pelagian Pope, Two Part Romans Utterly Refuted

Started off with the Pope’s comments on 60 Minutes, and then dove into a refutation of Brent Lay’s “Two Part Romans” theory (originated in 2013) that is being promoted by Jason Breda in a series of videos. The entire theory is based upon an alleged “ambiguous antecedent” in Romans 1:13, except, there is no such construction there, the antecedent is not ambiguous, and hence the theory is DOA, and needs to be abandoned. An hour and 45 minutes!
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Pope Francis on Conservatives, LF on Being “Good,” and Adoniram Judson’s Letter to Ann’s Father

I was on The Line of Fire with Michael Brown an hour before we aired this episode, so Michael joined me to discuss the apologetics contest on Twitter, but then more important things as well after that. Jeff Durbin called in and tried to argue that I, as Master Miyagi, should want him, as Danielsan, to win the contest, should

A Saturday Dividing Line

I didn’t want an entire week to go by without a program, so we snuck one in just under the wire! Gave a bit of a report on where I am as far as surgeries and the like go (another in just over a week), and then I played a short clip from a dialogue Leighton Flowers did recently wherein he spoke of the Spirit’s role, or non-role, in salvation, that is very helpful in focusing upon the real differences between the Reformation and Provisionism, which, I allege in this program, is sub-Roman when it comes to its view of grace.
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Road Trip Radio Free Geneva–36 Hours After Surgery!

How much do I love doing the Dividing Line, and love our audience? Well, 36 hours after surgery I managed to pull off our first ever full Radio Free Geneva, including our (relatively) new video opening and closing! How’s that for dedication! Gave a quick report on yet another exciting visit to the hospital while on the road, even getting to have surgery (oh the joy!), and then reviewed and responded to this video from YouTube, and then, after a short break, went back to the Breda/Garza video I commented on Monday (just hours before an ambulance ride!). I invited Dr. Garza to come on the Dividing Line to discuss Hebrews 7 based upon the original languages. I hope he will do so!
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Road Trip DL: Fridge Disaster, Breda/Garza Reply

My apologies, but I’ve pushed too hard today and the voice isn’t going to make it for a DL. I did an hour long program this morning back in MA, and it started falling apart then, and joined with an hour long conference call this morning, well, if I am going to be able to speak Friday, Saturday, and Sunday,

Road Trip: Loving Our Catholic Neighbors – Night 2, First Baptist Church, Livingston, Louisiana, 4/27/24

Without any unscheduled sudden disassembly, either! Our first Road Trip Dividing Line in our new Mobile Command Studio was a success! Sure, we have some tweaking to do (Rich discovered the microphone presets did not save, for example), but we are just ecstatic that sitting here in our 35 foot Jayco Fifth Wheel RV in Kerrville, Texas, we were able

Road Trip: Loving Our Catholic Neighbors, Night 1, First Baptist Church, Livingston, Louisiana, 4/26/24

Halfway through my May trip, currently in Memphis, headed up toward Nashville before doubling back to Pryor, Oklahoma. Gave a bit of a report on my time at GBTS in Conway, then got into Apologia Radio’s response to G3, then moved on to consider how Daniel 7 relates to other key passages, and finished up reviewing Albert Mohler’s article on

Jimmy Akin Debate Report

Did a “DL Short” today (45 minutes) due to my not being in a location with sufficient net connection to do a live program. I still have three days of speaking here in Louisiana, then a quick run by Pryor next week before the long trip home. Wanted to review the debates over the last two evenings, and also make some other comments about upcoming trips, debates, ministry, etc.

Road Trip: Debate: Catholic/Protestant – Night 2 – How Does One Find Peace with God? James White vs Jimmy Akin, First Baptist Church, Livingston, Louisiana, 4/25/24

Looked at some claims about Aquinas by Norm Geisler, including a quick look at John 13:19, and then started to respond to the second in the series from Baptist Dogmatics regarding Matthew 24:36. What is “theological” or “dogmatic” exegesis? Well, we will find out more as we continue our review and response. But not tomorrow, though we plan on doing

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