Alpha & Omega Ministries

The Regime Continues to Promote the Culture of Death, Christian Nationalism, Ecclesial Exegesis

Covered the waterfront today, so to speak, addressing issues such as news about the vaccines, Covid-19 manipulation, transgender insanity, etc., before talking briefly about “Christian Nationalism.” Then we addressed a few Craig Carter tweets, and then addressed the new book on “Ecclesial Exegesis.” We hope to do two more programs this week, one on Thursday, and one from ReformCon on Friday!

Abortion at the Vatican, Baptist Dogmatics

Why would Francis appoint someone who is pro-choice to an official position with the Vatican? What does this tell us about how tradition can, and does, change over time? We started here, and then moved on to this article from (we think) Drew Sparks, reading and responding to it in its entirety. Very important discussion once again of Scripture, interpretation, and sufficiency.

John 3:13, Turretin, Pop Thomists

Did about 90 minutes today on a variety of topics but with a bit of a connected theme, digging into the text of John 3:13 as well as looking at Turretin’s discussion of the two natures of Christ. Finished up looking at the amazing behavior of folks on line in response to a new theological journal.

Back in the Old Haunts

Back to the main studio in Phoenix today as we discussed a bit more theology, then discussed the climate cult, the 1946 Movie, Nikolas Cruz and the death penalty, and the Virginia legislator that wants to make it a felony for parents NOT to affirm a child’s “transgender identity.”

Final Road Trip DL

Audio Only! We had tech problems and just plain old “you are out in the sticks and the cell connection stinks” problems so we gave up on the video and just concentrated on the audio, which worked well. So, no intro music, etc., but you don’t need that. Covered a bit about church and state, about Dan Andrews, and anti-Christian tyrant of Victoria, Australia, and then got back to a little review of Peter Van Kleeck’s really odd attempts at damage control and spin on his blog. Hopefully back in the regular studios next week!

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