Alpha & Omega Ministries

Mary as Mediatrix in Roman Piety, Comments on Scott Swain’s Experimental Idea from James 1:5

We have no way of knowing what we will be doing for the next few days program wise, but we snuck one in today, looking closely at the infamous Marian prayer going around the net (one I was addressing in the early 1990s). Then we looked at Scott Swain’s comments on divine simplicity and James 1:5.

Road Trip DL: Passing On the Faith

Started off with something I had not planned on doing, discussing the importance of passing on the Culture of Life, and how this relates to God’s law, the preservation of Scripture, etc. Then looked at some of the zaniness in the “Reformed” world, including R. Scott Clark’s exceptionally hypocritical comments on my response to George Bryson from 2003.

Open Zoom Calls Road Trip Dividing Line

We managed to get through a number of excellent calls today on topics ranging from the canon to covenant theology to talking to folks who are being taught by the New Confessionalists, etc. with only one 30 second Internet drop (that, as far as we can see, was on Rich’s end, not mine!). Should be able to have another program on Thursday.

The I Am Sayings of Jesus as an Example of Exegesis and Hermeneutics

Today we did a Road Trip DL in the rain up here in Colorado, focusing upon the I Am sayings of Jesus and using them as an example of what believing, exegesis looks like in contrast with modern methods, or the supposedly superior “pre-modern” method seen in Scholasticism, etc. Tomorrow we will be doing on “Open Zoom” program with your questions!

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