Alpha & Omega Ministries

Christian vs. Mormon Debate Review

[embedded content]I was joined in studio by Daniel Constantino and Oscar Dunlap to discuss their debate with two LDS representatives a few weeks ago at Apologia Church. Goodness, how Mormonism has changed! Almost 90 minutes of discussion, even though I was not able to play much of the debate due to a technical problem with how my computer was connected to the system (sorry about that!).
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Sola Scriptura: Do You Really Believe?

Talked a bit about a few current events at the start (played video from Mars, for example), but the focus today was on sola scriptura, what it means, why it is central, and why I am simply stunned to see men I used to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with using the phrase as a throw-away joke line on Twitter. Please listen and consider well!
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Deconstructed Baptists, Another Confusing Keller Tweet, Second Run at John 6.

Talked a bit about current events amongst the Southern Baptists, including the vicious attacks from “deconstructed” Baptists (i.e., apostates). We discussed another confusing tweet from Tim Keller, and then I took the time to back up and re-do the discussion on John 6 from the last program. Much clearer, organized, and understandable this time! No technical juggling this time around!
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A Few Thoughts on the Crush of the World, Responses to Pullmann/Hess

Started with a few thoughts on the craziness of the world today and how difficult it is to remain focused with the rush of news, war, etc. Then I started responding to some more of the Pallmann/Hess review, trying to use both my Audio Notetaker program (which we have been fighting recently with sound issues) and Accordance. And though it worked well, toward the end I lost my place in moving from the laptop to the board and errantly moved to the wrong line, even circling a finite verb and calling it a participle (which was, I think, on the next line, or just below, in a very similar form). Had to back up and do some scrolling to get back to where we needed to be. My apologies for that. We are trying to find a way to get past the “you can only control on the laptop but not on the screen” issue, but having just installed a new program I can tell you—it did nothing. But, worth pressing forward.
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Short Follow Up on Aquinas, TR Onlyism in the OPC

James White, March 3, 2022March 3, 2022, CBGM, Church Fathers, Church History, General Apologetics, Personal, Reformed Baptist Issues, Roman Catholicism, Textual Issues, The Dividing Line, Thomism, TROnlyism Started off with a few comments regarding some of the response to Tuesday’s program regarding Thomism, including a thread by Danny Slavich. Then we listened to key elements of a webcast promoting TR Onlyism from Greenville Presbyterian Seminary and, yes, we made sure to play the part where at the beginning they indicated that the Seminary does not take a specific position on the textual question at hand (though, I confess, I did comment on how that seems to be a hard stance to take). Went long today as we looked at John 1:18, 1 Timothy 3:16, etc. Almost a full mega edition today, so enjoy it, DL truckers!
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Reformed Thomists?

James White, March 1, 2022March 1, 2022, Church Fathers, Church History, General Apologetics, Reformed Baptist Issues, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters Should evangelicals really agree with about 88% of Thomas Aquinas’ Summa? Well, that is what was claimed in a recent article in the Master’s Seminary Journal, so today we tackled that subject, hopefully in a respectful and brotherly fashion. I had intended to get to the Hess/Pallmann pseudo-review, but will have to hold that off till the next program. I should have realized this topic would take too long! But, hopefully, a lot to think about today.
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Radio Free Geneva: Responding to Flame on Romans 9

I tried to stay within an hour (I was doing an interview immediately after the program) but I went a little long. We responded to this thread from Christian rapper Flame on Romans 9 and his movement away from Calvinism. We read the thread, commented, and then went to the text once again, this time using our Flip board. I think it may be the first time we’ve gone over Romans 9 in the new studio. Hope it is helpful!
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