Ask Pastor John

Should Men Still Pray with Lifted Hands?

Paul desired that “in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands.” Should men in the church today still lift their hands when they pray?

Our Joyful Duty

At the core of Christian Hedonism is the glorious reality that the duty God requires of us is the path to our greatest joy.

Caring for Families with Cross-Dressing Children

Should parents allow children to cross-dress? Pastor John explains why this cuts across the grain of God-created reality and how to offer counsel to Christian parents.

Should the World Like Us or Hate Us?

Jesus promised that his followers would be “hated by all,” but Paul said pastors must be “well thought of by outsiders.” So should the world like us or hate us?

Why Did Jesus Use Spit and Mud to Heal?

Jesus could have healed the man born blind with a simple command; instead, he used spit and mud. Why?

Does My Sexual Past Disqualify Me from Pastoring?

If a man has a history of fornication, is he disqualified from the office of pastor — or can he still be considered “the husband of one wife”?

Overcoming Fear

If God has really given us “a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control,” then why do we still struggle with fear and anxiety?

The Gospel’s War Against Our Fears and Insecurities

In the face of every fear and insecurity, the gospel says, “In Christ, God is for you — always and forever, with all of his heart and soul. So what can man do to you?”

Should We Despise the Vile — or Love Them?

In Psalm 15, David tells us to despise the vile; in Matthew 5, Jesus tells us to love them. How can we do both?

If God Desires All to Be Saved, Why Aren’t They?

God “desires all people to be saved,” Paul tells us — but clearly not all people are saved. Does this mean God cannot do what he wants to do?

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