Ask Pastor John

Can My Life Be Plagued by Generational Sins, Hexes, or Curses?

Christ has freed all his people from any and every Christ. All who take refuge in him need no longer fear any generational sin, hex, curse, or anything else.

How Do I Praise Others but Avoid Flattery?

The Bible calls us to encourage one another, but how do we prevent encouragement and praise from devolving into flattery?

No Creed But the Bible?

If Scripture is the Christian’s primary guide, then why do we need confessions of faith? Shouldn’t we just stick to the Bible?

The Major Obstacle in Forgiving Others

Even when others won’t acknowledge the wrong they have committed, Jesus still calls his people to love, forgive, and forebear.

Would You Settle for One Million Dollars?

The inheritance we have in Christ far outvalues anything this world can offer. Our eternal treasure is safe and secure in him.

Why Do Non-Christian Novelists Know the Human Condition So Well?

When we reject God, we suppress the truth. But we can never escape all that is true, good, and beautiful in our Father’s world.

Knowledge Exists Because God Exists

God has known himself perfectly for all eternity, and now he knows every aspect of his world perfectly. So as we come to learn and discover, we are simply thinking God’s thoughts after him.

Does God Delight in Destroying Sinners?

The Bible seems to say that God does not take pleasure in death, and yet that he takes delight in executing his wrath. Is this a contradiction, or can they both be true?

Everything About God Is About Everything

Nothing exists that does not relate directly to God. In other words, everything about God is also about everything in this world.

When Depression Descends, Do the Next Thing

Do not underestimate the power of preaching to your soul and singing to God when you can’t shake spiritual darkness.

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