Ask Pastor John

Doesn’t the Cross Display God’s Wrath Better Than Hell?

If Christ already bore the wrath of God on the cross, then is hell just redundant? Does hell take away from the glory of what Christ accomplished?

Don’t Neglect the Work of Speck Removing

Before correcting a brother or sister in Christ, how certain must we be that our own outlook is free from sin and deceit?

Can God Be Sovereign over All Sin and Still Be Good?

How we talk about God’s absolute sovereignty, right down to our word choice, makes a big difference in how people receive this precious truth.

Does Netflix Make Christ More Precious to You?

The accommodations of our modern world aren’t all inherently sinful. But unless they serve our faithfulness to Jesus, what good are they?

Should Christians Start Revolutions or Just Live Quietly?

First Thessalonians 4:11 says that we should “live a quiet life.” Do Jesus’s and Paul’s lives measure up to that instruction?

Will God Ever Give Us More Than We Can Handle?

Many Christians say, “God will never give us more than we can handle.” But the truth of that statement depends on two key words.

What’s the Difference Between Peace and Joy?

God desires that we have both peace and joy as we walk with him. How to joy and peace relate, and how do they differ?

When Should We Pray for God to Take Us Home?

When we learn that our time on this earth is short, what truths can help us live out our last days with joy?

Truths You Will Need When Cancer Hits

The Bible speaks to our toughest moments.

Seven Tips for College Students

Do what you have to do to be radically devoted to Jesus and his holiness.

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