Ask Pastor John

The Joy Project

The doctrines of grace invite us to discover the endless fountain of all joy. Let The Joy Project guide you on a journey to uncover those riches of happiness.

How to Help Friends Escape the Prosperity Gospel

The prosperity gospel may be easy to critique from a distance, but what about when it comes home? How can you talk to close friends and loved ones who have accepted the so-called prosperity “gospel”?

How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

What if zombie stories and movies weren’t just mindless horror but could actually teach us about the true nature of our world?

If My Work Can Be Used for Evil, What Should I Do?

If my work can be corrupted by others for evil purposes, does that cancel out any good that I achieve?

The Only Escape from Our Boasting

We love to enjoy the benefits of the gospel, but the gospel is actually not an end in itself. So what is the ultimate goal of the gospel?

If My Government Funds Abortions, Why Pay Taxes?

Our tax dollars inevitably end up at places like Planned Parenthood — an organization that takes innocent life. Is it wrong to continue contributing taxes to a government that underwrites sin?

If Babies Go to Heaven, Why Oppose Abortion?

Some argue, “If aborted babies go to heaven, why is abortion such a big deal?” Pastor John gives six reasons why Christians must never compromise.

Is Kim Davis Right to Refuse Marriage Licenses?

In August 2015, Kim Davis, a county clerk in Kentucky, refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Was she right to do so?

How to Engage Culture and Swim Against It

As you swim in the culture, be a dolphin that cuts through the currents, not a jellyfish that goes with the flow.

Are Comfortable Christians Compromisers?

When everything in life is going well, should we be worried because we are not experiencing the suffering Scripture promises?

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