When Should We Vent over Social Sins?
Outcries over social ills say something about God, but so does silence. So when should we vent over social sins?
Outcries over social ills say something about God, but so does silence. So when should we vent over social sins?
God’s words lead us to the path of life. They help us see that God is sovereign, a shelter for the needy, and a treasure to those who love him.
Our smartphone will not destroy us. But our love for it can. Ask the Lord to make it plain when the time has come to get rid of your smartphone.
The love and forgiveness every believer experiences from God came at the highest price of God’s own Son. How could we ever hold back that grace and mercy from others?
On August 22, 2015, Christians and others gathered around the country to protest Planned Parenthood and government funding for the organization. Listen to Pastor Piper’s prayer from the gathering in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Satan is real. He has massive influence all over the world, and he never tires of wreaking havoc wherever he is able.
The Bible never promises that the children of believers will grow up and still follow Jesus. But that doesn’t mean parents are helpless in shepherding their littles ones to the Lord.
How do you stay humble when God blesses you? How do we guard against pride when others notice that blessing too?
The Bible uses types to teach us about the single stream of redemptive history that culminates in Christ. But are types really any different than analogies?
Our sin can overwhelm us, leaving us depressed and feeling stripped of value. How do we face our sin honestly without falling into hopelessness?