Ask Pastor John

How Culturally Up-to-Date Must My Pastor Be?

A pastor can’t be an expert on every news trend, but he can help shape a biblical worldview in his people so they can wrestle with the issues on their own.

Should Women Be Police Officers?

The Bible prescribes different roles for men and women, but are those roles just for the home and the church?

The God Who Commands Our Emotions

If telling someone to be happy doesn’t make them happy, then why does the Bible constantly command us to feel a certain way?

Watershed Differences Between Calvinists and Arminians

The five points tease out the differences between Calvinists and Arminians, but how can parents teach them to their kids simply and clearly?

Am I Overworking?

The Bible presents a pattern for six-day labor. Whether we follow that same pattern today depends on what we mean by sabbath and how we define our work.

How Do I Choose Between Two Good Things?

Every person experiences disordered desires. The only hope we have to align ourselves with God’s desires is to pursue God in his word through prayer, all in the context of a community of saints.

Biblical Hope for Breakups

The identity Christ gives to us guards us from devastation when painful breakups happen. We are secure in Jesus no matter what.

The Single Key to Personal Change

We can all benefit from practical examples of applying Scripture, but what really drives us toward change is a fresh sight of God’s glory and our place in his world.

Why I Chose ‘God Is Most Glorified’ Not ‘Christ Is Most Glorified’

The New Testament clearly teaches that Christ should be preeminent in all things. So then why does Desiring God’s slogan not even name him?

A Mysterious Naked Guy in Gethsemane, and a Lesson in Bible Interpretation

Why does a naked man show up at Jesus’s arrest, and then flee the scene completely naked? Pastor John offers some hermeneutical principles for interpreting seemingly strange texts like this one.

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