Ask Pastor John

How Christian Is ‘Pay It Forward’?

The call to “pay it forward” may promote kindness and goodwill, but is it Christian?

Battling Doubt and Cynicism in Our Bible Reading

Doubt can hijack our time in the word, turning our Bible reading into a battle, not a delight. Where can we turn when this discouragement bombards us?

Holiness Is a Race, Not a Prohibition

God doesn’t just call his people to avoid sin. He wants us to run our race for righteousness by throwing off anything that holds us back from reaching him.

What Is Love?

The most beautiful love is God’s love, which paid the highest price — the life of the Son — to give undeserving enemies the greatest happiness.

Is Yoga Sinful?

When it comes to yoga or anything else, don’t simply ask, “What’s wrong with this?” Ask the much fuller question, “Will this make me more Christlike?”

Living Out God’s Design for Marriage in Today’s World

When we enter into the covenant of marriage, we inevitably bring baggage with us. But God gives grace for us to learn and grow and flourish together.

How Do I Explain Sin to Someone for the First Time?

In a pluralistic, postmodern culture, the concept of sin can prove difficult to understand. Where should we begin in helping others understand this essential tenet of the faith?

Why We Must Understand the Temple in God’s Plan Today

“Temple” is a theme that runs throughout the entirety of the Scriptures. How do we trace it, and how does this thread help us understand the whole Bible?

What Is Biblical Theology? And Do We Need It?

Biblical theology isn’t just theology derived from the Bible, but is a discipline that helps us understand the unique contribution of each part of Scripture to the unified whole.

Should We Learn to “Forgive Ourselves”?

We no longer have to bear the burden of our guilt. God offers the verdict of no condemnation to all who are in Christ.

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